I will tell you one thing: When I make it we fight for the last piece! So yum, moist and tender, you will enjoy every single bite. Preparation is quick and simple. Also, this is one pan dish and key to success is marinade and the amount of time chicken is being marinated. I recommend you marinade the chicken in the morning, so it stays for couple of hours before roasting. 4 person ingredients: 1 whole chicken (1,5 kg minimum) Marinade ingredients: 1/3 cup Olive oil 2 Tbs mustard 2-3 cloves garlic 1 Tbs Vegedor Spice (alternative to this brand is veggie spice) Plus: 150 gr dried plums 100 gr dried apricots 1 cup rice (I used wild one, but you can use regular as well) 2 ½ cup water Process: Mix together all marinaded ingredients and coat the whole chicken with it. Place it in baking pot and leave aside for at least two hours. If you’re using wild rice, soak it in cold water until chicken is ready to roast. If you’re using regular, white rice, there is no need for presoaking. Preheat the oven to 190C. Place dried fruits around your chicken, coat with 2 ½ cup water and, if using wild rice – place the rice together with water, if not – you will add rice an hour later (or half an hour before you take out the chicken from the oven.) Roast for 190 minutes (190C). Note: After 50 minutes of roasting you will have to cover chicken with aluminum foil to protect it from being burned. Once it’s done, place one cube of butter on top of the meat and let it melt. Pečena piletina sa suhim sljivama i marelicama Reci cu vam samo jedno, kada ovo napravim, otimamo se za posljednji komad.
Piletina pečena na ovakav način je mekana i sočna, priprema je više nego jednostavna! Ključ je u marinadi. Perdlažem da piletinu marinirate ujutro, nekoliko sati prije pečenja. Sastojci za 4 osobe: 1 cijelo pile (1,5 kg minimum) 1/3 šolje maslinovog ulja 2 velike kašike senfa 2 - 3 čehne sitno sječenog bijelog luka 1 velika kašika začina Vegedor Plus: 150 grama suhih šljiva 100 grama suhih marelica 1 šolja riže (ja sam koristila divlju. Možete koristiti i običnu bijelu rižu, ali u tom slučaju ćete je kraće peći, odnosno dodat ćete rižu naknadno, tokom pečenja) 2 ½ šolje vode Priprema: Pomiješajte sve sastojke za marinadu i premažite piletinu. Stavite meso u pleh koji ćete koristiti za pečenje i ostavite ga sa strane makar na dva sata (može i duže). Ako koristite divlju rižu, potpite je u hladnu vodu sve dok piletina ne bude spremna za pečenje. Rernu zagrijte na 190C Suho voće stavite oko piletine. Natopite sa 2 ½ šolje vode. Ako koristite divlju rižu, odmah ćete je isprati i i nju staviti zajedno sa suhim voćem, a ako koristite obicnu rižu, dodajte je sat vremena poslije ili pola sata prije kraja pečenja. Pecite sat i pol. Napomena: Nakon 50tak minuta, Alu folijom zaštitite gornji dio pileta, kako meso ne bi izgorilo. Voda koju ste dodali stvara efekat pare u rerni pa piletina bude nevjerovatno sočna i mekana. Nakon sat I pol, izvadite iz rerne i stavite kockicu putera na vrh mesa neka se lagano istopi.
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AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
February 2022