Once tried, always on the family menu! Ingredients: 700 – 800 Gr boneless chicken (cut into cubes) 1 Tsp ginger (grounded) 3 – 4 Garlic cloves 1 Cup Yoghurt Heavy (Cooking) cream ½ Cup tomato puree 3 Tbsp butter Olive Oil Spices: salt, cumin, chilly powder, cardamom, garam masala, turmeric, coriander or parsley Process: Marinate chicken by using 1 cup of yoghurt, 1 tsp of salt, 1 tsp of grounded ginger. It would be good if chicken can stay in this marinade for half an hour, at least. Heat olive oil and one spoon of butter in a medium skillet, over medium high heat. Add the chicken to the pan and cook it for 10 – 12 minutes. Once it’s done, take the chicken out of the skillet and use the same one to prepare sauce. Melt one table spoon of butter before adding 2 minced garlic cloves. Stir and add spices. To make it easier and quicker mix all spices together so you can add it all at once and prevent from burning. You will need ½ tsp of salt, ½ tsp of chilly powder (if you like spicy food use more), and 1 tsp of grounded cardamom, turmeric, garam masala, cumin, turmeric. Once you add spices to the garlic and butter, you have to stir it well and pour in tomato puree before spices get burned. Let it simmer for one minute before adding 1½ cup heavy cream. Stir properly and add pre cooked chicken into sauce. Serve with basmati rice and fresh parsley or coriander. Indijski Butter Chicken Jednom probajte i spremat ćete ga vječno. Prejednostavno I preukusno.
Potrebno vam je: 700 – 800 grama pilećih prsa 1 kašičica usitnjenog djumbira 3 – 4 čehnice bijelog luka (protisnutog) 1 čaša čvrstog jogurta 1 plus ½ čaše vrhnja za kuhanje ½ čaše paradajz sosa 3 kašike putera Začini: so, kumin, chilly, mljeveni cardamom, garam masala, kurkuma, korijander ili peršun Maslinovo ulje Priprema: Marinirajte piletinu u jogurtu kojem cete dodati jednu kašiku sitno rendanog djumbira, dvije čehne usitnjenog bijelog luka i jednu kašičicu soli. Na srednje jakoj vatri rastopite jednu kasiku putera s jednom kasikom maslinovog ulja, pa przite piletinu 10 do 12 minuta. Potom piletinu istresite u drugu zdjelu, a istu tavu koristite za pripremu sosa. Stavite jednu kasiku putera, dvije čehnice usitnjenog bijelog luka, promiješajte pa dodajte začine. Bilo bi dobro da prethodno, dok se piletina dinsta, sve začine pomiješate u jednu malu zdjelicu i onda ih skupa dodate luku. Od pobrojenih začina treba vam pola kašičice soli, pola kašičie chilija u prahu (ako volite ljuto i začinjenije stavite više), po jednu kašičicu kardamoma, kumina, garam masale, kurkume. Sve lijepo izmijesajte pa dodajte paradjz pire. Neka to krčka jednu minuticu, ako vam je paradjz pire gušći, možete dodati i fildžan vode, pa na kraju uspite vrhnje za kuhanje. Kada zavri, vratite ranije pripremljenu piletinu u sos i ostavite da krčka nekoliko minuta. Poslužite uz svjež peršun ili korijander i basmati rižu.
AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
February 2022