Nutritional values of nettle are multiple. It is rich in vitamin C, carotene, vitamins B2, K. In terms of minerals, it contains: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium. It cleanses and reinvigorates the body. It is advised for rheumatic diseases, arthritis, kidney stones. It repairs iron in the blood, helps with fatigue and weakness, lowers blood sugar, has an anti-inflammatory effect. It soothes and helps with chronic skin conditions, eczema and acne by restoring the skin's natural tone. And I have forgotten a lot more what it's good for. It can be found all year round, but it is most suitable and most favorable for consumption in April and May. You can do anything with it. I'll share the cream soup recipe with you. Very fine and quick to prepare. We only use nettle leaves. For 4 people you need one good handful of these leaves. Ofcourse, when handling fresh nettle, be sure to use gloves. Ingredients: Handful of nettle cc 100 grams Medium onion head (finely chopped) 3 onions (pressed) One celery stem (4- 5 cm) finely chopped 2 medium-sized potatoes (cut into cubes) 1 liter of soup stock 1 soup cube Salt & pepper A Tbsp of butter Hemp Seeds Preparation: On the butter, saute the onion (both) and celery, lightly season with salt and pepper, add the potatoes, and cover so it all sautes over low heat. Gradually add the stock, allowing the potatoes to soften. Add one soup cube. While that simmers, on another stove burner place a pot with boiling water and insert the nettle while on the side preparing another bowl with ice-cold water (I also add ice cubes). After one minute in boiling water, transfer the nettle to the bowl with ice-cold water. This will preserve its nutritional properties and its vibrant color. When the potatoes are cooked, shake the contents of the pot into a blender, add the nettle and blend well together. If necessary, season with salt and pepper. Serve with hemp seeds. Krem supa od koprive Nutritivne vrijednosti koprive su visestruke. Bogata je vitaminom C, karotenom, vitaminima B2, K.
Od minerala sadrži: kalcij, fosfor, željezo, magnezij, natrij, kalij. Čisti i oporavlja organizam. Savjetuje se kod reumatičnih oboljenja, artritisa, bubrežnih kamenaca. Popravlja željezo u krvi, pomaze kod zamora i slabosti, snizava šećer u krvi, djeluje protuupalno. Ublažava i pomaže kod kroničnih kožnih oboljenja, ekcema i akni uspostavljajući prirodni tonus kože. I sigurno sam dosta toga zaboravila. Moze se naci tokom cijele godine, ali je najpodatnija i najpovoljnija za konzumaciju u aprilu i maju. S njom mozete raditi svasta. Ja cu s vama podijeliti recept za krem supu. Veoma finu i brzu za pripremu. Koristimo samo listove koprive. Za 4 osobe vam treba jedna dobra pregrst tih listova. Prilikom rukovanja svjezom koprivom, obavezno koristite rukavice. Sastojci: Pregršt koprive cc 100 grama Srednje velika glavica crvenog luka (sitno sjeckno) 3 cehnice bijelog luka (protisnuto) jedna stabljika celera ( 4- 5 cm) sitno sjeckano 2 srednje velika krompira (isijecite na kockice) 1 litar temeljca za supu 1 kocka za supu so I biber kasika putera Priprema: Na puteru predinstajte luk (oba) i celer, lagano poslite i pobiberite, dodajte kromir, pa poklopite neka se dinsta na laganoj vatri. Postepeno dodajite temeljac dopustajuci krompiru da omeksa. Dodajte jednu kocku za supu. Dok se to dinsta na drugom kolu u vrelu ključalu vodu ubacite koprivu a pored pripremite drugu posudu sa ledeno hladno vodom. (ja ubacim I kockice leda). Nakon jedne minute u vreloj vodi koprivu prebacite u ledeno hladnu vodu. Tako cete sacuvati njena nutritivna svojstva I njenu vibrantnu boju. Kada je krompir skuhan, istresite sadrzaj te serpe u blender, dodajte koprivu i sve skupa dobro zblendajte. Ako je potrebno dodatno začinite koristeci so i biber. Posluzite s konopljinim sjemjenkama.
1 Comment
9/5/2021 18:20:15
Večeras je na Menü ova supa 😁
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