Ingredients: 1 kilogram of boneless thigh (with skin) Two to three slices of feta cheese (crumbed with your fingers) 1 filled-to-the-top tablespoon of cheese-spread (Philadephia for example) 3 pieces of dried tomato (optional) 3 cloves of garlic (chopped) Salt, pepper, parsley and mint (as desired) Butter and olive oil You also need baking rope. Process: Season the meat with salt and pepper. Mix all the other ingredients in one bowl. Stuff the boneless thighs with one teaspoon of cheese fill, close carefully to form a roll and wrap with baking rope, then gently tighten. Put the pan on the stove, melt the butter and oil and fry the meat slowly, turning it on all sides. When its turned lightly brown, place in a preheated oven and bake for an additional 15 to 20 minutes on 180C. Serve with champignons (baby white mushrooms) and fresh salad. Zabatak punjen sirom Potrebno vam je:
1 kilogram otkoštenog zabatka (s kožom) Dvije – tri kriške feta sira (izdrobite prstima) 1 vrhom puna kašika mazivog sira (ja sam koristila vajkrem) 3 komada sušenog paradajza (po želji) 3 čehnice bijelog luka (usitnjenog) So, biber, po zelji peršun I menta. Puter I maslinovo ulje Potreban vam je I konopac za pečenje Proces: Meso posolite I pobiberite. U jednu zdjelu pomijesajte sve ostale navedene sastojke. Zabatak filujte sa jednom kašičicom fila, pažljivo zatvorite na način da formirate rolnicu I obmotajte konopcem, pa lagano stegnite. Tepsiju stavite na kolo, rastopite puter i ulje i prepržite meso lagano ga okrećući sa svih strana. Kada lijepo porumeni, ubacite u zagrijanu rernu I pecite još 15tak do 20 minuta. (180C) Posluzite uz sampinjone i svjezu salatu.
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