I usually prepare them for Ramadan iftars, large family gatherings or some other special occasions where traditional recipes are implied. I advise you not to run away from the greasy one when choosing the meat. Not too greasy, of course. Choose easily spreadable clotted cream (kaymak in Bosnia), preferably homemade. Serve with rice or grilled vegetables. Ingredients for 4 people: 850 - 900 grams of stuffed beef 1-2 heads of red onion (finely chopped) 3-4 garlic cloves (pressed) One larger slice of dry bread dipped in milk. (Squeeze the milk before adding it to the mixture, only the bread goes into the meat. Soak the bread for at least half an hour before preparation.) 1 egg Salt, pepper, olive oil, red paprika, grounded 200 - 250 gr. spreadable clotted cream 2 tablespoons butter Flour Procedure: Add red and white onions, drained bread, egg, spices and a few tablespoons of olive oil to the stuffed meat. Join with your fingers and form balls with your palms. You can put a few drops of oil on your palms so that the mass does not stick to your hands. Roll each ball in flour, then arrange on one plate. Protect the plate with cling wrap and put the meatballs in the fridge for at least half an hour before frying. This will help the meat to shrink and not fall apart, and for all the flavors to blend nicely. Turn on the oven before frying. Heat the oil and butter in a pan. Fry the meatballs in well-heated oil and butter until they turn brown on all sides. (Not longer than about 7 minutes). Arrange in a casserole bowl with a lid, then place in a preheated oven for about ten minutes. Then put the clotted cream over and return (covered) to the oven for another 4-5 minutes. Do not keep longer because the cream will completely decompose and instead of meatballs in cream you will get meatballs in oil! Best served warm. Kolačići u kajmaku Najčešće ih spremam za ramazanske iftare, velika porodična okupljanja ili neke druge posebne prigode u kojima se tradicionalni recepti podrazumjevaju. Savjetujem da prilikom odabira mesa ne bježite on odnog prošaranog, masnijeg. Ne previše masnog, dakako. Birajte mazivi kajmak, najbolje domaći. Služite uz rižu ili povrće sa grila.
Za 4 osobe: 850 – 900 grama faširane junetine 1-2 glavice crvenog luka (sitno sječeno) 3-4 čehnice bijelog luka (protisnuto) Jedna veća šnita suhog hljeba potopljenog u mlijeko. (iscijedite mlijeko prije dodavanja u smjesu, u meso ide samo hljeb. Hljeb potopite makar pola sata prije pripreme.) 1 jaje So, biber, maslinovo ulje, crvena aleva paprika 200 – 250 gr. mazivog kajmaka 2 kašike putera Brašno Postupak: U faširano meso dodajte luk, crveni i bijeli, ocijedjeni hljeb, jaje, začine i nekoliko kašika maslinovog ulja. Sjedinite prstima pa dlanovima oblikujte kuglice. Na dlanove mozete staviti nekoliko kapi ulja da se masa ne lijepi za ruke. Svaku kuglicu uvaljajte u brašno, pa redajte na jedan tanjir. Tanjir zaštite prozirnom folijom pa kolačiće odložite u frižider makar na pola sata prije prženja. Ovo će pomoći da se meso stisne i ne raspada, te da se svi okusi lijepo povežu. Prije prženja upalite rernu. U tavi zagrijte ulje i puter. Na dobro zagrijanom ulju i puteru režite kolačiće dok ne porumene sa svih strana. (Ne duže od cc 7 min) Poredajte u vatrostalnu zdjelu s poklopcem, pa stavite u zagrijanu rernu na desetak minuta. Potom preko stavite kajmak i vratite (poklopljeno) u rernu još 4 – 5 minuta. Nemojte držati duže jer će se kajmak u potpunosti razgraditi i umjesto kolačića u kajmaku dobit ćete kolačiće u ulju. Najbolje služiti toplo.
New ideas for frequently used ingredients are always welcome, right? Chicken is often on the menu in most households, both for economic reasons and the fact that it is a favorite meat of many. Here’s how the French would make a quick dinner or lunch with chicken drumsticks. For 4 people you need: 1 kg of chicken drumsticks Smaller pack of champignons Two - three garlic cloves A stalk of fresh rosemary A stalk of fresh thyme 200 grams of dried meat cuts, cut into cubes 2 cups chicken stock Half a cup of Bourbon for flambéing (I skip it, but the original recipe implies it). 10 grams of dried mushrooms (optional) Spices: salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, bay leaf and olive oil Process: Heat a frying pan, season the drumstick using salt, pepper and hot cayenne pepper. Fry the drumsticks in heated oil until they get a nice yellow color on all sides. When the skin is browned, add the cubes of dried meat. Let it fry together for a few minutes before adding the sliced champignons. After a minute or two, add the crushed garlic, thyme and rosemary (take them off the stalks). Stir together to let the flavors permeate. If you use bourbon, then use it at this stage. Flambé before adding the chicken stock. Add two bay leaves and a handful of dried mushrooms. Cover and simmer over low heat until the juice is reduced by half. Serve with baked potatoes and fresh salad. Pileći bataci na francuski način Nove ideje za često korištene namirnice su uvijek dobrodošle, zar ne? Piletina je u većini domaćinstava cčesto na meniju, sšto zbog ekonomskih razloga, što zbog činjenice da je to omiljeno meso mnogima. Evo kako bi Frnancuzi napravili brzu večeru ili rucak s pilećim batacima.
Za 4 osobe vam je potrebno: 1 kg pilećih bataka Manje pakovanje šampinjona Dvije – tri čehnice bijelog luka Stručak svježeg ružmarina Stručak svježe majčine dušice 200 grama masnog, suhog mesa, isječenog na kockice 2 šolje pilećeg temeljca Pola šolje Burbona za flambiranje (ja preskačem, ali ga orginalni recept podrazumijeva). 10tak grama suhih vrganja (po želji) Začini: so, biber, kajenska parika, lovorov list i maslinovo ulje Proces: Zagrijte tavu, batak začinite koristeći so, biber i ljutu kajen papriku. Na zagrijanom ulju prepržite batake dok sa svih strana ne dobiju lijepo rumenu boju. Kada kožica zarumeni dodajte kockice suhog mesa. Pustite neka se zajedno prži nekoliko minuta prije nego dodate isječene šampinjone. Nakon minut – dva, dodajte zgnječeni bijeli luk, majčinu dušicu i ružmarin. (svucite ih sa drške). Prodinstajte zajedno kako bi se okusi proželi. Ako koristite burbon, onda ka koristite u ovoj fazi. Flambirajte prije nego dodate pileći temeljac. Ubacite i dva lista lovora te šaku suhih vrganja. Poklopite i krčkajte na laganoj vatri dok se sok ne reducira na pola. Poslužite uz zapečeni krompir i svježu salatu. |
AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
February 2022