For the crust you need: 4 egg yolks 125g sugar 125g ground walnuts A handful of raisins 1/2 cup flour (200ml cup) + one teaspoon baking powder 1 row of chocolate (melt with two tablespoons of oil) Filling: 4 egg whites and 4 tablespoons sugar Plus jam (as you wish). Preparation: Whisk the egg yolks and sugar, then add the remaining ingredients for the crust. You will get a compact mass that you need to tap on the bottom of the baking tray. I used a narrow tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 180C for 20 minutes, then remove from the oven and spread with jam as desired and spread solidly beaten egg whites with sugar over the jam. Put a handful of ground walnuts over the egg whites. Return to the oven, then reduce the temperature to 170C and bake for another 20 minutes. Cool well before eating. Pariške štangliceZa koru vam je potrebno:
4 žumanca 125g šećera 125g mljevenih oraha Šaka groždjica 1/2 šolje brašna (šolja od 200ml) + jedna kašičica praška za pecivo 1 red čokolade (istopite s dvije kašike ulja) Fil: 4 bjelnca i 4 kašike šećera Plus pekmez po želji. Priprema: Pjenasto izradite žumance i šećer, pa dodajte i preostale sastojke za koru. Dobit ćete kompaktnu masu koju trebate utapkati na dno pleha za pečenje. Ja sam koristila uski pleh kojeg sam obložila papirom za pečenje. Pecite na 180C 20 min, potom izvadite iz rerne pa premažite pekmezom po želji a preko pekmeza premažite čvrsto umućen bjelanjak sa šećerom. Preko bjelanjka stavite šaku mljevenih oraha. Vratite u rernu, pa smanjite temperaturu na 170C i pecite još 20 min. Dobro ohladite prije konzumiranja.
Who doesn't love it? It can still be found in some pastry shops, but why buy when you can prepare it yourself. I found this recipe in an old Yugoslav recipe book, which my mother-in-law has kept for more than 30 years. Crust: 10 egg whites 300g of sugar 300g ground walnuts 1 tablespoon flour. Filling: 10 egg yolks 10 tablespoons sugar 250g butter 60g of chocolate Preparation: Whisk 10 egg whites until stiff, adding 300g of sugar. Add 300g of ground walnuts and a spoonful of flour to the firmly beaten egg whites. Combine everything and transfer to a large, shallow tray lined with paper. (This is the pan you usually get with the oven. :) Bake at 180C for 25 minutes. While the crust is cooling, prepare the filling. Whisk the egg yolks with 10 tablespoons of sugar. When you get a thick cooked cream, remove from the heat and add 250g of softened butter and chocolate. Mix everything well until you get a homogeneous mass. Arrange the cake only when the filling has cooled well. Cut the crust into three equal parts, coat with the filling and arrange. Sprinkle with ground walnuts and store in the fridge to combine. Reform TortaKo je ne voli? Jos se može naći u pojedinim slastičarnama, ali zašto kupovati kad je možete sami spremiti. Ovaj sam recept pronašla u nekoj staroj jugoslovenskoj knjižici recepata, koju moja svekrva čuva duže od 30 godina. Kora: 10 bjelanaca, 300g šećera 300g mljevenih oraha 1 kašika brašna. Fil: 10 žumanjaka 10 kašika šećera 250 g putera 60g čokolade Priprema: Od 10 bjelanaca umutiti čvrsti snijeg u kojeg dodajete 300 g šećera. U čvrsto umućena bjelanca dodati 300 g mljevenih oraha i kašiku brašna. Sve sjediniti pa prebaciti u veliki, plitki pleh obložen pak papirom. (To je pleh kojeg obično dobijete s rernom. :) Pecite na 180C - 25 minuta. Dok se kora hladi pripremite fil. Na pari umutite žumanca sa 10 kašika šećera. Kada dobijete gusto kuhani krem, sklonite s vatre pa dodajte 250 g razmekšalog putera i čokoladu. Sve dobro umijesite dok ne dobijete homogenu masu. Kolač slažite tek kada se fil dobro ohladi. Kore isijecite na tri jednaka dijela, premazujte filom i složite. Preko pospite mljevenim orasima pa spremite u frižider da se sve poveže. Everyone is baking holiday cakes and cookies these days, and for me, the most beautiful holiday cookies are our humble Šape. Maybe because they are the ones baking in my house at the end of the year. You certainly have your own recipe, maybe different from this and I would love for you to write to me how you make them. This is my aunt's recipe. You will not make anything simpler and cheaper without causing you so much comfort on your palate. It just melts in your mouth. Many make them with walnuts and my aunt puts lemon zest on, and I wouldn’t change that. That citrus note complements them so wonderfully. From the mixture below you can get two huge trays of biscuits. If that’s a lot for you, feel free to halve the quantities. Ingredients: 200g butter + 2 shot glasses of oil 2 eggs 200g sugar + vanilla sugar 1 bag of baking powder Grate the rind of one lemon, squeeze the juice and add to the same mixture. Add the flour as needed, until it starts to separate from your fingers. You will need approximately 700-750 g of flour for this amount. Grease the molds, fill them and bake in a preheated oven at 180-190C, 15-17 min. Shake out of the pan on a cotton cloth to cool slightly before removing from the mold. I had some of the most common, cheaper molds, but they still turned out great because the recipe is just perfect. Just squeeze the mold a little with your fingers and they slip right out! Enjoy! ŠapiceSvi ovih dana peku praznične keksiće i kolačiće, a za mene su najljepši praznični keksići naše skromne šape. Možda zbog toga što su se u mojoj kući upravo one pekle na izmaku godine. Vi sigurno imate svoj recept, možda drugačiji od ovoga i voljela bih da mi pišete kako ih vi radite. Ovo je recept moje tetke. Nećete napraviti ništa jednostavnije i jeftinije, a da vam izazove toliko ugode na nepcu. Jednostavno se tope u ustima. Mnogi ih rade s orahom a moja tetka stavlja koricu limuna, i ja to ne bih mijenjala. Ta citrusna nota ih tako divno nadopunjuje.
Od dole navedene smjese možete dobiti dva ogromna pleha keksića. Ako vam je to mnogo, slobodno prepolovite količine. Sastojci: 200g putera + 2 fildzana ulja 2 jaja 200g secera + vanilin secer 1 kesica praska za pecivo Narendati koru od jednog limuna, a sok iscijediti i dodati u istu smjesu Brasno dodavati po potrebi, dok vam se ne počne odvajati od prstiju. Otprilike ćete na ovu količinu trebati 700-750 gr brašna. Kalupe namastite, napunite i pecite u zagrijanoj rerni na 180-190C, 15-17 min. Istresite iz pleha na pamučnu krpu da se malo ohlade prije nego izvadite iz kalupčića. Ja sam imala neke najobičnije, jeftinije kalupe, ali su svejedno super ispadali jer je recept naprosto savršen. Dovoljno je da malo kalup stisnete sa strane prstima i oni idu van. Jednom riječju savršena! Osim toga, vrlo je ekonomična i (pre)lako se sprema. Trebam li još nešto dodati da biste znali da se ovaj recept mora naći medju spašenim receptima?! Za koru vam je potrebno: 1+1/4 šolje brašna (koristila sam šolju od 200ml) 120 gr putera (direktno iz frižidera. Isijecite ga na kockice) Kašika šećera Prstohvat soli 4 kockice leda Sve sastojke stavite u blender. Najprije pulsirajte, kasnije blendajte u kraćim intervalima dok se led ne sjedini s brašnom i puterom i ne dobijete kompaktnu masu. Tijesto potom prebacite na ravnu površinu i dodatno gnječite kako biste u potpunosti sjedinili puter i tako dobili loptu tijesta. Biće jako suho i čvrsto, ali to je ok. Zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i stavite u frižider, najmanje pola sata. (Tijesto u frižideru može ostati i do 2 dana) Rernu zagrijte na 180C. Tijesto razvaljajte na lagano pobrašnjenoj površini. Isijecite jabuke i aranžirajte preko tijesta. Prespite s 2-3 kašike krupnog šećera pomiješanog s kašikom cimeta. 50-70 grama putera isijecite na kockice i poredajte preko jabuka. Na kraju umutite jedno jaje i njim premažite presavijene ivice galette. Pecite 40tak minuta. Poslužite toplo, uz kuglu sladoleda i malo štauba. P.s. Po želji galletu prije redanja jabuka, možete premazati tankim slojem pekmeza ili putera od lješnjaka. Apple GaletteIn a word perfect! In addition, it is very economical and (too) easy to prepare. Do I need to add anything else to let you know that this recipe must be among the saved recipes?!
For the crust you need: 1+1/4 cup flour (I used a 200ml cup) 120 g butter (straight from the fridge. Cut it into cubes) A spoonful of sugar A pinch of salt 4 ice cubes Put all the ingredients in a blender. Pulse first, then blend at shorter intervals until the ice is combined with the flour and butter and you get a compact mass. Then transfer the dough to a flat surface and knead it further to completely combine the butter to get a ball of dough. It will be very dry and firm, but that's ok. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for at least half an hour. (Dough can stay in the fridge for up to 2 days). Preheat the oven to 180C. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface. Cut the apples and arrange over the dough. Sprinkle with 2-3 tablespoons of coarse sugar mixed with a tablespoon of cinnamon. Cut 50-70 grams of butter into cubes and arrange over the apples. Finally, beat one egg and coat the folded edges of the galette with it. Bake for about 40 minutes. Serve warm, with a scoop of ice cream and a little stem. P.s. If desired, you can coat the galette with a thin layer of hazelnut jam or butter before arranging the apples. Do you make strudel in the fall, when the jam season begins? This one is super fast because I believe it would be wonderful to fill it with poppy seeds and walnuts! I will definitely try that, and this time I filled it with a jam that was nearing expiry! I couldn't find a tastier way to use it! For the dough: 2 egg whites (save the yolks to coat the strudel before baking) 250 ml of hot milk 450 g (+50 g) of flour A bag of yeast 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 tablespoon sugar Half a teaspoon of salt 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 100 ml of oil Procedure: Whisk the egg whites firmly, then gradually add the hot milk. Then leave it for a few minutes to cool. Meanwhile, combine the dry ingredients in one bowl: flour (take 450 grams and leave those 50 if you need to add or sprinkle the dough when rolling out), one bag of yeast, two teaspoons of baking powder, a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of sugar and grated crust lemon. First add 100 ml of oil to the milk, then gradually add the dry ingredients. Knead with your hands until you get a fine, firm dough - like for a pie. Divide into two equal balls. There is no need to wait for the dough to rise. You go immediately with further preparation. Turn on the oven to heat to 180-190C. Roll out the dough on a floured surface, coat with jam, leaving 2 cm from the end to prevent the jam from leaking during baking. Coat with egg yolk and bake for 30 minutes. Cut and serve when cool. If you want it to stay fresh longer, wrap the strudels in cling film. Brza štrudlaPravite li vi štrudlu u jesen, kada počne sezona džemova i bestilja?
Ova je super brza jer i vjerujem da bi je bilo divno puniti makom i orahom! To ću svakako da probam, a ovaj put sam je punila bestiljom koji je bio pri kraju roka. (smiley) Nisam mogla naći ukusniji način da ga iskoristim! Za tijesto: 2 bjelanca (žumance sačuvajte za premazivanje štrudle prije pečenja) 250 ml vrelog mlijeka 450 gr (+50 gr) brašna Kesica kvasca 2 kašičice praška za pecivo 1 kašika šećera pola kašičice soli 1 kašičica rendane limunove korice 100 ml ulja Postupak: Čvrsto umutite bjelance, pa mu postepeno dodajite vrelo mlijeko. Potom ostavite nekoliko minuta da se to prohladi. Za to vrijeme u jednu zdjelu sjedinite suhe sastojke: brašno (uzmite 450 grama a onih 50 ostavite Ako vam bude trebalo za dodavanje ili posipanje tijesta prilikom razvlačenja), jednu kesicu kvasca, dvije kašičice praška za pecivo, prstohvat soli, kašiku šećera i narendanu koricu limuna. U mlijeko najprije dodajte 100 ml ulja, pa postepeno dodajite suhe sastojke. Gnječite rukama dok ne dobijete fino, čvrsto tijesto - kao za pitu. Podijelite u dvije jednake lopte. Nema potrebe čekati da tijesto naraste. Odmah idete s daljom pripremom. Upalite rernu da se grije na 180-190C. Na pobrašnjenoj površini razvaljajte tijesto, premžite džemom, ostavljajući po 2 cm od kraja kako biste spriječili curenje džema prilikom pečenja. Premažite žumancem I pecite 30 min. Režite I služite kada se prohladi. Ako želite da duže ostane svježa, zamotajte štrudle u prozirnu foliju. I'm not a big fan of sponge cakes so I was skeptical about this one at first as well. However, this is not an ordinary sponge cake. Apple molasses makes this cake irresistibly aromatic & luscious. I got the recipe from my husbands nana, who is 90 and has been preparing it for decades. So I had to add to this blog! 4 eggs 4 cups sugar (I think this quantity is a bit too much so I'll try with 2 or less) 2 cups of oil 1 vanilla sugar 4 cups of flour 1 baking powder 200-220ml apple molasses Beat the eggs first, then add the sugar. After the sugar is well blended, gradually add the other listed ingredients. Pour the dough on a greased baking sheet and bake in a well-heated oven. Temperature: 180C, baking time: 40 minutes. Kolač s pekmezomNisam ljubitelj ovih jednostavnih «patišpanja kolača», pa sam i prema ovome bila skeptična. Međutim, ovo nije obična patišpanja. Pekmez ovaj kolač čini neodoljivo aromatičnim i sočnim. Recept sam dobila od nane mog supruga, koja ima preko 90 godina i radi ga decenijama. Morao je ostati zapisan!
4 jaja 4 šoljice šećera (smatram da je ova količina previše pa ću sljedeći put probati s dvije ili manje, ali orginalni recept kaze 4. Koristite šoljice za kafu, dakle malo veće od fildžana) 2 šoljice ulja 2 šoljice mlijeka 1 vrećica vanilin šećera 4 šoljice brašna 1 vrećica praška za pecivo 200-220 mll pekmeza od jabuke Najprije umutite jaja, pa dodajte šećer. Nakon što šećer dobro umutite postepeno dodajite i druge navedene sastojke. Tijesto sipajte na podmazan pleh i pecite u dobro zagrijanoj rerni. Temperatura:180C, vrijeme pečenja: 40 min Found this recipe on BBC Good Food and OMG! Didn’t change a thing, nether will I! Ever! It is perfect! Ingredients For the dough: 200g active white sourdough starter 350g strong white bread flour, plus extra for dusting 50g wholemeal flour 1 tsp ground cinnamon 50g golden caster sugar 200ml warm milk 1 egg 50g butter , softened, plus extra for the tin For the filling: 150g light brown sugar 125g butter , softened 2 tbsp ground cinnamon For the topping: 2 tbsp golden syrup 100g soft cheese 150g icing sugar ¼ tsp vanilla paste or extract Process: · STEP 1 Make sure your starter is active – it should be nice and bubbly. If it isn’t, feed it and wait until a tsp of the starter floats in warm water. · STEP 2 Tip all the ingredients for the dough, except the butter, into a bowl and mix with your hands to form a shaggy dough – make sure all the flour from around the bowl is mixed in. Leave the dough in the bowl, covered with a damp cloth, for 30 mins. · STEP 3 Work the butter into the dough with 1 tsp salt. Once fully combined, tip the dough onto a surface and knead gently for 5 mins until smooth and springy. Form the dough into a ball and sit back in the bowl. Cover and leave somewhere warm-ish for 3-4 hrs until the dough has just about doubled in size. · STEP 4 Meanwhile, make the filling by beating together the sugar, butter, cinnamon and a pinch of salt. Set aside at room temperature to keep soft. · STEP 5 Butter and line a square baking tin – smaller tins (20 x 20cm) will hold nine buns, larger tins (25 x 25cm) will hold 12. Tip the dough onto a floured surface and roll it to a rectangle roughly 50 x 25cm. Spread the filling over the rectangle so it’s completely covered. Roll the dough along the long edge into a tight swiss-roll type sausage. Cut your dough into pieces and arrange them, spiral side-up, in the tin. Leave for 1 hr at room temperature, then cover and leave in the fridge overnight. · STEP 6 Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Cover the tin with foil and bake on a baking tray (this will stop any leaking mixture dripping into your oven) for 30 mins, then remove the foil and bake for 10-15 mins more to brown slightly. · STEP 7 Meanwhile, mix the golden syrup with 1 tbsp boiling water. As soon as buns come out of the oven, brush them generously with the syrup, then leave to cool a little. Lift the buns out of the tin while still warm and leave to cool on a wire rack. To make the icing, beat the soft cheese, sugar and vanilla until thick but drizzly. Drizzle over the buns when completely cool. Sourdough Cimet rolniceNašla sam ovaj recept na stranici BBC Good Food i Bože! Savršen je. Nisam ništa mijenjala, niti imam namjeru.
P.s. Ako nemate aktivan starter, probajte sa jednom kesicom (7g) suhe germe. Sastojci za tijesto: 200g aktivnog startera 350 jakog bijelog brašna (tip 550) 50 g integralnog brašna 1 kašika cimeta 50 g smeđeg krupnog šećera 200 ml toplog mlijeka 1 jaje 50 g putera (razmekšanog), biće vam potrebno još malo da podmažete pleh Sastojci za fil: 150 g tamnog šećera (ja sam koristila Muscovado) 125 g putera (razmekšanog na sobnoj temperaturi) 2 kašike cimeta Za glazuru: 2 kašike meda (jer mi nemamo golden syrup) 100 g mazivog sira poput Filadelfije, Vajkrema ili Mascarponea 150 g šećera u prahu aroma vanilije Postupak: KORAK 1 Najprije provjerite da li vam je starter, nakon hranjenja, aktivan i spreman za upotrebu. U ćašu vrele vode stavite kašiku startera, ako pliva na površini spreman je, ako tone treba mu još vremena. KORAK 2 Sve sastojke za tijesto, osim putera, sastavite u jednu veću zdjelu i zakuhajte rukama. Kad sjedinite sve sastojke, prekrijte pamučnom krpom i pustite da odmori pola sata. KORAK 3 Dodajte tijestu puter i prstohvat soli, pa gnječite dok sve ne sjedinite. Onda nastavite gnječiti tijesto, primjenjujući metodu koja vam odgovara dok ne dobijete elastično tijesto koje možete oblikovati u loptu. Potom vratite u zdjelu, pokrijte pamučnom krpom i ostavite do 4h da duplo naraste. KORAK 4 Pripremite fil. Mikserom dobro izmiješajte puter, šećer i cimet za punjenje i ostaviti da stoji na sobnoj temperaturi. KORAK 5 Kockicom putera podmažite pleh. Ja sam koristila i papir za pečenje. Manji pleh, promjera 20:20 je za 9 rolnica, a ako uzmete pleh 25:25 moći ćete smjestiti do 12 rolnica. Ja sam dobila 11. Na lagano pobrašnjenoj površini razvaljajte tijesto u pravougaoni oblik promjera 50:25. Premažite filom, srolajte, isijecite na jednake dijelove, pa redajte u pleh s malim razmakom između. Ostavite pokriveno pamučnom krpom, neka stoji na sobnoj temperaturi do sat vremena, prije nego pleh spremite u frižider do ujutro. KORAK 6 Rernu zagrijte na 190. Rolnice prekrijte alu folijom i tako pecite prvih 30 minuta. Potom skinite foliju i pecite još 15tak minuta da zarumene. KORAK 7 Za to vrijeme u manju zdjelicu stavite dvije kašike meda s jednom kašikom vrele vode. Dobro izmiješajte. Ostavite sa strane. Pripremite glazuru tako sto ćete pomiješati sir, šećer u prahu i aromu vanilije dok ne dobijete finu kremu. Kada rolnice budu pečene, premažite ih medom, pa pustite da se potpuno ohlade prije nego ukrasite glazurom. A shortbread that is prepared effortlessly and within half an hour. Plus baking, of course. Its thriftiness is an added plus, so I believe there are few who will miss trying to prepare it. Prepare the crust by inserting into the food processor: 4 egg yolks 250g of flour 100g of sugar 170g butter Baking powder Vanilla sugar Divide the dough into two parts, with cc 2/3 of the dough in one and the rest in the other, ie 1/3. Freeze a small part. Roll out the larger one and place it in a smaller tray that you will line with baking paper (My tray was 31:22 in diameter). Also store the pan in the refrigerator until you make the filling. You prepare the filling by whipping well: 4 egg whites 150 g of sugar 1 sachet of vanilla sugar Add 3 smallest cups of solid yoghurt (3.2% fat) to the beaten egg whites. These are 180 g glasses. You can also use Greek yogurt. Add two small cups of sour cream (20% fat). Combine with egg whites and pour over chilled crust. Grate the frozen part of the dough over. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 - 40 min. Cool well before serving. P.S. I put a thin layer of jam on the bottom crust, before the filling. It is very tasty, but keep in mind that the jam completely softens the bottom crust and that in that case, the shortbread will be difficult to take out. Prhki kolač s pavlakom i jogurtom Prhki i sočni kolač koji se sprema bez ikakvog napora i u roku od pola sata. Plus pečenje, naravno. Ekonimičnost mu je dodatni plus, pa vjerujem da je malo onih koji će propustiti da ga probaju spremiti.
Koru spremite tako što ćete u food processor ubaciti: 4 žumanjka 250 g brašna 100 g šećera 170 g putera Prašak za pecivo Vanillin šećer Dobijeno tijesto podijelite u dva dijela, s tim da u jednom bude cc 2/3 tijesta a u drugom ostatak, odnosno 1/3. Manji dio zaledite. Veći razvaljajte i stavite u manji pleh kojeg ćete obložiti papirom za pečenje (Moj pleh je bio promjera 31:22). Spremite i tepsiju u frižider dok ne napravite fil. Fil spremate tako što dobro umutite: 4 bjelanca 150 g šećera 1 kesica vanillin šećera Umućenim bjelancima dodajte 3 najmanje čaše čvrstog jogurta (3,2% masti). To su čaše od po 180 g. Možete koristi i grčki jogurt. Dodajte dvije male čaše pavlake (20% masti). Sjedinite s bjelancima i prelijte preko rashlađene kore. Preko narendajte zaleđeni dio tijesta. Pecite u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C 30 – 40 min. Dobro rashaldite prije posluživanja. P.S. Ja sam na donju koru, prije fila, stavila tanki sloj džema. Vrlo je ukusno, ali imajte na umu da džem potpuno smekša donju koru i da ce u tom slucaju, kolac biti teško vaditi. This cake is for gathering, celebrations and sharing good times with people you love. You can make this amazing recipe using basic ingredients and it is very fun to decorate it! Don’t you think it’s look gorgeous? For chocolate cake (base) you will need: Dry ingredients: 130g flour 200g sugar 45g unsweetened cocoa powder Baking powder Pinch of salt Wet ingredients: 1 egg ½ cup yoghurt ½ cup vegetable oil 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ cup boiling water In different bowls combine separately dry and wet ingredients, then stir together and bake in preheated oven on 180C for 45 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean Don’t forget to butter the baking pan. Once it’s baked and chill, cut it in three layers. While cake is cooling make oreo icing You will need: 250g butter 350g powdered sugar 220g Oreo crumbs (about 2 boxes of Oreo) – Crush them in a food processor ½ cup hot milk 1 tsp vanilla extract Using mixer beat butter and powdered sugar, then add crushed Oreos. In the end pour in hot milk and vanilla extract and mix again. Spread the icing on top of each layer and save some for decoration. To make chocolate ganache: Heat ½ cup heavy whipping cream just until it begins to boil, then pour over 80 grams of chocolate. Allow it to sit for 2-3 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Drizzle the chocolate ganache around the edge of the cake, then pour the remainder of the ganache on top of the cake and spread evenly. Allow the ganache to firm up a bit, then pipe the remainder of the frosting around the top edge of the cake. Cake is best when well covered for 3-4 days. Oreo TortaOva torta je za druženja, za slavlja, za proslavu lijepih trenutaka s dragim ljudima. Jednostavna za pripremu i prekrasno izgleda!
Za čokoladnu koru vam je potrebno: Suhi sastojci: 130g brašna 200g šećera 45g kakaa Prašak za pecivo Prstohvat soli Mokri sastojci: 1 jaje ½ šolje jogurta ½ šolje ulja 1 kašičica villa extracta ½ vrele vode Najprije odvojeno izmutite suhe i mokre sastojke pa ih sastavite i izmiješajte. Koristite srednji ili manji kalup za pečenje. Namastite ga puterom i ivice pospite brašnom da se kora lakše odvoji nakon pečenja. Pecite cc 45 min u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C. Provjerite čačkalicom da li je tijesto pečeno. Dobro ohladite pa izrežite na tri jednaka sloja. Dok se torta peče i hladi pripremite frosting. Potrebno vam je: 250g putera 350g šecera u prahu 220g Orea samljevenog u food procesoru (to je otprilike dvije kutije keksa. Jedan dio sačuvajte za dekoraciju.) ½ šolje toplog mlijeka 1 kašičica vanilla extracta Mikserom najprije dobro umiješajte puter i šećer u prahu. Šećer dodajite postepeno. Potom uspite Oreo, izmiješajte pa dodajte toplo mlijeko i vanilla extract. Sve sjedinite. Slažite tortu mažući svaki sloj frostingom. Ostavite dio i za dekoraciju. Za izradu ganaša vam treba: ½ šolje vrhnja za šlag zagrijati do vrijenja ali nemojte dozvoliti da proključa. Prelijte vrhnje preko 80g izlomljene čokolade. Ostavite nekoliko minuta prije nego dobro izmiješate. Neka se ganaš najprije malo prohladi prije nego ga izlijete na vrh torte. Nakon toga dozvolite da se lijepo stisne prije finalnog ukrašavanja torte. Možete je čuvati u frižideru 3-4 dana ali sam sigurna da ćete je pojesti prije. Easy to make, delicious and smells like heaven. Since you have to divide dry and wet ingredients, I will divide them in writing this recipe as well. Dry ingredients: 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder ¾ tsp baking soda Pinch of salt 1 tsp nutmeg ½ tsp cardamom (powdered) 2 tsp cinnamon ½ cup sugar Combine all dry ingredients together and make a well inside to place wet ingredients. Wet ingredients: 1 egg ¼ cup butter (room temperature) ½ cup yoghurt ½ cup apple sauce 1 small apple (grated) 1 tsp vanilla extract Mix all wet ingredients together. Make sure butter is well incorporated. Pour this batter into dry ingredients and combine to make batter. Do not overbeat. You should use spatula instead of electric mixer. Butter the molds before squeezing the batter in. Bake for 10 minutes on 180C in preheated oven. Cool well before coating in melted butter and sugar mixed with cinnamon. Domaći donati s jabukama Jednostavni za pripremu, ukusni i ispune cijelu kuću prekrasnim mirisom.
Kako ćete tokom pripreme morati razdvojiti suhe i mokre sastojke, tako cu ih i napisati. Suhi sastojci: 2 šolje brašna 2 kašičice praška za pecivo ¾ kašičice sode bikarbone prstohvat soli 1 kašičica muškatnog orašćića ½ kašičice kardamoma (mljevenog) 2 kašičice cimeta ½ šolje šećera Sjedinite sve suhe sastojke i u sredini napravite udubljenje u koje ćete sipati mokre Mokri sastojci: 1 jaje ¼ šolje putera (sobne temperature) ½ šolje jogurta ½ šolje sosa od jabuke 1 mala jabuka (naribana) 1 kašičica vanilla extracta Dobro izmiješajte mokre sastojke, posebno obratite pažnju na puter, mora se lijepo sjediniti s ostalim sastojcima. Potom mokre sastojke izlijte u suhe i izmiješajte. Koristite drvenu kašiku, ne električni mikser jer ne želimo premijesiti tijesto. Kaplupe namažite puterom prije nego iscijedite tijesto u njih. Ja sam to radila uz pomoć vrećice za šlag. Pecite 10 min. u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C. Ohladite prije nego ih uvaljate u rastopljeni puter, a potom u šećer pomiješan s cimetom |
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March 2022