They are ideal for movie house nights, various gatherings, children's birthdays. Ah, the kids really love these chicken tendres! Fun to prepare and fingers to lick - they're delicious. You need: Chicken breast Bread Crumbs Flour 2 eggs Oil (1/2 cup) Spices: Vegeta, and the following Vegeta Maestro spices: pepper, cinnamon, cumin, red ground pepper, onion in granules, chives and dill. Preparation: Cut the chicken breasts into sticks (tenders) and rub one tablespoon of Vegeta into them. In one plate, mix the bread crumbs and the following Vegeta Maestro spices: cumin (mash it a little to release the aroma and aromas), ground red pepper, pepper, onion granules, cinnamon. First roll the sticks in flour, then into beaten egg and finally in breadcrumbs with the mentioned spices. Fry over medium heat. Lightly burn, take care of it. Just a minute and a half on both sides is enough and they are done. Serve the sticks with the sauce prepared from 3 tablespoons of sour cream, and a cup of Greek yogurt. Mix well and add Vegeta Maesto chives and dill. (Squeeze garlic as desired). Aromaticni pileći štapići s Vegetom Maestro Idealni su za filmske kućne noći, različita druženja, dječije rodjendane. Ah, djeca jako vole ove štapiće! Zabavni za pripremu i prste da poližeš ukusni.
Potrebno vam je: Pileća prsa Prezla Brašno 2 jaja ulje (1/2 šolje) Začini: Vegeta, te sljedeći Vegeta Maestro začini: biber, cimet, kim, crvena mljevena paprika, luk u granulama, vlasac i kopar. Priprema: Pileća prsa isijeći na prutiće i utrljati u njih jednu kašiku Vegete. U jednom tanjiru pomiješati prezlu i sljedeće Vegeta Maestro začine: Kim (njega malo zgnječite da otpusti miris i avoje arome), mljevena crvena paprika, biber, luk u granulama, cimet. Štapiće najprije uvaljati u brašno, potom u umućeno jaje i naposljetku u prezlu sa spomenutim začinima. Pržiti na srednje jakoj vatri. Lagano zagore, voditi računa o tome. Dovoljno je po minut i po sa obje strane i gotovi su. Poslužiti štapiće uz umak pripremljen od 3 kašike pavlake, i šolju grčkog jogurta. Dobro izmiješajte pa tome dodajte Vegeta Maesto vlasac i kopar. (Protisnuti bijeli luk po želji).
1 Comment
21/8/2020 04:09:42
Chicken tenders su unutrasnji dijelovi pilecih prsa. Inace su najmeksi dio piletine. U Americi se pakuju posebno, baravno skuplji su od prsa a pretezno se koriste za ove przene stalice tj slastice i kao takvi sluze u restoranima brze hrane. 😉
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