Beetroot not only gives an interesting color, but also a special aroma to this recipe. Don't overdo it though. Excessive amount of beetroot can have a bad effect on the texture and increase the dough humidity, which the gnocchi do not like. Use three smaller beetroots on three medium sized potatoes. That would also be your amount for 3-servings. Cook the potatoes in their crust so they soak in as little water as possible. Ingredients: Potato Beetroot Sage (Ideally it would be fresh but if you don't have it use dry) Butter Egg Flour Salt and pepper Olive oil Procedure: Start with beetroot. Peel the beetroot, cut into medium-sized pieces, season with salt, pepper and olive oil, wrap in foil and bake for 30 - 40 minutes. While the beetroot is baking, cook the potatoes. Grind the beetroot into tiny pieces using a blender. Crush the potatoes with a spoon, then combine with the potatoes and combine them all together. Transfer the dough to a floured surface (keeping the remaining ½ cup (or more) close by in case you need it), make a dent in the middle and place the egg, a little salt and pepper in it and combine by kneading well into one mass. Add the flour gradually. Do not overdo it and handle the dough gently until it loses stickiness and becomes more solid. You don't want to activate gluten, or get gnocchi with a lot of dough. The amount of flour depends on the type of potato, but as a rule you should not put more than 20-25% compared to the other ingredients. Divide the dough into four parts, rolling out 1 part at a time into a long rope, about 3cm wide, cutting into smaller pieces and cook in boiling, salty water. Repeat with remaining parts of dough. Melt the butter and toss the sage into the pan. They are cooked for about 1-2 minutes and as soon as they float to the surface and they are ready for butter. Transfer drained gnocchi to hot butter with sage. Fry briefly and enjoy. Krompir & Cvekla NjokeCvekla ne daje samo zanimljivu boju, vec i posebnu aromu ovom receptu. Ipak ne pretjerujte s njom. Pretjerana količina cvekle može loše utjecati na teksturu i pojačati vlažnost tijesta, što njoke nikako ne vole. Na tri krompira srednje veličine koristite jednu manju cveklu. To bi vam ujedno bila kolicina za 3 porcije. Krompir kuhajte u kori kako bi primio sto manje vode.
Sastojci: Krompir Cvekla žalfija (Idealno bi bilo svježa, no ako je nemate koristite suhu) Puter Jaje Brašno So, biber Maslinovo ulje Postupak: Počnite s cveklom. Cveklu ogulite, isijecite na srednje krupnije komade, začinite koristeći so, biber i maslinovo ulje, zamotajte u foliju i pecite cc 30 – 40 minuta. Dok se cvekla pece, skuhajte krompir. Cveklu usitnite koristeci stapni blender. Krompir zgnječite kašikom za pire, pa sastavite s cveklom i sve skupa sjedinite. Prebacite tijesto na pobrašnjenu površinu, u sredini napravite udubljenje i u njega stavite jaje, malo soli I bibera te prstima dobro sjedinite u jednu masu. Brašno dodajite postepeno. Ne pretjerujte s njim i tijestom rukujte nježno. Ne želite aktivirati gluten, niti dobiti njoke s puno tijesta. Količina brašna ovisi o vrsti krompira, ali u pravilu ne bi trebalo da stavite vise do 20-25% u odnosu na ostale sastojke. Tijesto podijelite u više manjih dijelova, razvaljajte ih u oblik oklagije, isijecite na manje komade i kuhajte u vreloj slanoj vodi. Rastopite puter i u tavu ubacite žalfiju. Kuhaju se otprilike 1-2 minute, cim isplivaju na povrsinu spremne su za puter. Ocijedjene njoke prebacite na vreo puter sa žalfijom. Kratko prepržite i uživjte.
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February 2022