An excellent protein supplement of your choice. Some people also serve it as a main dish with a little fresh salad. For 4 people you need: Medium piece of ginger (cut into larger pieces) 2 cups rice (rinse) 6 tablespoons pomegranate syrup 15 sprigs of parsley 100 grams of pistachios (unsalted) Butter Pomegranate Procedure Put 3 glasses of boiling water, 6 tablespoons of pomegranate syrup and coarsely chopped pieces of ginger in a medium-sized pot. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and set aside. Preheat the rinsed rice on the heated butter, in a deeper pan. Strain the water with ginger and pomegranate syrup into it. When done, cover and reduce the heat. Separate the parsley leaves from the stem. Finely chop the stem, then add the pilaf (about five minutes from the moment you covered it). The pilaf is cooked for about 10 minutes. After that, turn off the wheel, add a leaf of parsley and leave it covered for about 10 minutes on a warm wheel. If you want a dry and scattered pilaf under the lid, put a cotton kitchen cloth over the pan in which the pilaf was cooked. It will pick up moisture. Meanwhile, pre-fry the pistachios in butter. Before serving, add the pistachios and 6 tablespoons of fresh pomegranate and mix well. Pilav s narom Odlican dodatak proteinu po vasem izboru. Neko ga sluzi i kao glavno jelo uz malo svjeze salate.
Za 4 osobe vam je potrebno: Srednje veliki komad djumbira (isijecite na krupnije komade) 2 čaše riže (isperite) 6 kašika sirupa od nara 15 grančica peršuna 100 grama pistaća (neslanih) puter nar Postupak U srednje veliku šerpu stavite 3 čaše kipuće vode, 6 kašika sirupa nara i krupno narezane komade djumbira. Stavite na kolo da provri, pa sklonite s vatre i ostavite sa strane. Na zagrijanom puteru, u dubljoj tavi, predinstajte ispranu rižu. U nju procijedite vodu s djumbirom i sirupom nara. Kad zavri poklopite i smanjite vatru. Odvojite listiće peršuna od stabljike. Stabljiku sitno narežite, pa dodajte pilavu. (na nekoj petoj minuti od trenutka kada ste ga poklopili) Pilav se kuha 10tak minuta. Nakon toga iskljucite kolo, dodajte mu list peršuna i ostavite 10tak minuta poklopljeno na toplom kolu. Ako želite suhi i rastresiti pilav ispod poklopca, preko tave u kojoj se pilav kuhao stavite pamučnu kuhinjsku krpu. Ona će pokupiti vlagu. U medjuvremenu na puteru predinstajte pistaće. Prije serviranja dodajte pistaće i 6 kašika svježeg nara i dobro izmiješajte.
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AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
February 2022