This cake is inspired by @fastingonfruit. I made same changes, but I also made it so many times and I believe you should try this recipe for few reasons: It is #delicious, #easy and fast to make and also #Vegan and #Paleo guys! So here is what you need to make it Base: 1 cup almond flour (or if ground almonds) 4-5 Tbsp maple or agave syrup (somethimes I use honey) Peanut butter layer: 1 cup peanut butte 2-3 tbsp maple syrup or other sugar replacement Top layer: 2 bananas 2 cups od fruits (You can use frozen or fresh fruits, and You can use single or mixed fruits if you like) 1 handfull of fruits extra for topping Process: Mix toghether almond flour and sweeetaner and press the base on the bottom of your cake pan. (For this amount of ingreadinats you have to choose small cake pan) Bake on 180C for 20 minutes in preheated oven. While baking the base, make top layers. For this version I use peanut butter layer, but if you want lighter and more fruity taste you can avoid this layer completely! To be honest, most of the times I avoid it too. But if you want to keep peanut butter layer, you just mix it with sweetener and melt it toghetger in the microwave for 20 – 30 sec. Spread it on baked base. For fruit layer put bananas and other fruits into food processor and blend it togheter. Put on top of your cake and add some whole fruits into mixture. Bake for 40 minutes on 180 C Let it cool for couple of hours. I usually make in the evening so I can have it first thing in the morning! Dijetalne vocne kocke Ovaj kolac je inspirisan radom kreativne @fastonfruits. Ja sam izmijenila neke stvari I napravila ga mnogo puta do sada. Prekrasan je, jednostavan I brz za napraviti I ne sadrzi brasno, jaja, mlijeko, industrijske secere – dakle jedite ga bez grize savjesti! Uz to, treba vam svega nekoliko sastojaka.
Evo sta vam je potrebno za koru: Solja bademovog brasna (ili solja mljevenih badema) 4-5 kasika javorovog, agavinog sirupa ili meda Za sloj s kikiriki puterom vam je potrebno 1 solja kikiriki putera 2-3 kasike javorovog, agavinog sirupa ili meda. Sta god imate Za gornji sloj: 2 banane 2 solje voca (mozete koristiti svjeze ili smrznuto, jednu vrstu ili miks razlicitog voca) +1 šaka voća za top sloj Kako ga spremate: Izmijesajte bademovo brasno I odabrani zasladjivac, prstima pritisnite na dno kalupa I pecite na 180 C, 20 minuta. Za ovu kolicinu vam je potreban mali pleh. Sto nije losa varijanta jer su ovo kolaci koji su jedu svjezi I svakako vam je bolje da testnu varijantu radite u malim kolicinama. Ja obicno pravim male kolicine jer kuham svakodnevno I ne volim bacati hranu. S druge strane, volim da je sve uvijek svjeze. Nastavimo s receptom, Dok se kora pece pripremite gornje slojeve. Najprije sloj s kikiriki puterom. Za njega vam je potrebno pomijesati kikiriki puter I odabrani zasladjivac, rastopiti to u mikrovalnoj na 20 – 30 sekundi I premazati preko ispecene kore. Ali, ako ne volite kikiriki puter ili jednostavno zelite manje kaloricnu varijantu kolaca s izrazenim vocnim okusom, onda potpuno izbacite kikiriki sloj. Da budem iskrena I sama to cesto radim. Vocni sloj je tek prejednostavan: Samo smiksajte banane I drugo voce I prelijte preko kore (ili preko sloja s kikiriki puterom ako ste ga zadrzali) I sve skupa pecite na 180 C - do 40 minuta. Hladite nekoliko sati. Ja ga obicno pravim uvecer kako bih ga mogla jesti odmah ujutro.
Happy Friday everyone! This cake can be served on your New Years festive table, or any other day in your life when you craving sweets! But listen, this is guilt free sweet treat! It is vegan, GF, Industrial sugar free.... and it's raw! Ingredients: Base: 2 Cups almonds 2 Cups soft dates Pinch of salt Mousse: 2 Cups cashew nuts (soaked overnight, then rinsed) 250 ml full fat coconut milk 1/2 Cup maple syrup or honey 1/3 Cup melted coconut butter 1 tsp vanilla extract Zest 2 clementines Juice squeezed out of 2 clementines Pinch of salt Melted dark chocolate Dark chocolate and clementines for garnish Process: In a food processor, mix together base ingredients. Press it on the bottom of your cake pan and freezer while making mousse. Blend cashewnuts, coconut milk and butter until very smooth. Add all other mousse ingredients and put on top on the base. Freeze overnight and then garnish with malted dark chocolate and clementines Veganska slastica s cokoladom i klementinama
Did you ever try to bake mousse made out of cashewnuts and why not?!
I was experimenting a little bit with this mousse and i have to tell you it is pure success! So for this Apricot Vegan cheesecake you will need: Ingredients for 4 pots - like mine, or 6 muffin cups Base: 10 - 12 dried but very soft apricots Handful walnuts Mousse 1 cup soaked and rinsed cashew nuts 100 - 120 ml full cream coconut milk 1/4 cup coconut oil 1/3 cup maple syrup or honey 1 tsp vanilla extract Juice squeezed out of 1 lemon Lemon zest Pinch of salt Process Blend together walnuts and apricots. Place into cups and press with fingers. In food processor blend together cashewnuts, milk, coconut oil. Add maple syrup, vanilla extract, lemon juice, lemon zest, salt. Pour the mixture over the base. Bake in preheated oven on 180 degrees Celsius for 40 minutes. Chill and decorate with walnuts and dried apricots 100 grams dried, but softest possible, plums Walnuts Melted dark chocolate Fill plums with walnuts, dip in dark chocolate and that's it! Isn't it the most easiest healthy sweet you can possibly have?! Suhe šljive s orasima u crnoj čokoladi 100 grama suhih, ali sto mekših šljiva
Orasi Rastopljena crna čokolada Filujte šljive orasima i umocite u rastopljenu čokoladu i eto ga! I am happy to share this one with you. I have noticed that everybody who makes vegan & raw mousse cake uses cashewnuts to make a mousse. I tried something different. I used almonds to make it, and it was pure success! My pot for this recipe is just 13 cm in diameter, so keep that in mind if you are making this recipe Mousse Ingredients: 2/3 Cup almonds (soak in hot water for few hours and then peel) 5 Tbsp heavy coconut milk 3 Tbsp coconut butter 3 Tbsp maple syrup 3 Tbsp orange juice (freshly squeezed) Zest of 1/2 orange 2 Tbsp raw cacao Base ingredients: 1/3 cup raw almonds 10- 12 dates Process: Blend toghether almonds and dates and press on the bottom of the pot. Freeze while preparing mousse. After soaking almonds, peel of the skin and blend with heavy cream milk. Add coconut butter, maple syrup, freshly squeezed orange juice and orange zest. Blend for few minutes until smooth and creamy. Separate a part of paste and add cacao to make a chocolate layer. Leave aside. Place the white part on the base and freeze for at least one hour. Then, put the chocolate part on top and leave to settle overnight in a fridge. Decorate with raw cacao and mini truffles made of base dough. Badem - cokolada tortica Primijetila sam da svi koji prave zdrave varijante veganskih, bezglutenskih mus kolaca koriste indijske orascice za mus bazu. Oni su prilicno skupi, pa sam odlucila malo eksperimentisati s bademima. I uspjela!
Evo recepta za ovaj mus badem kolac. Ovo su mjere za mali kalup promjera 13 cm, imajte to na umu. Potrebno za mus: 2/3 solje badema (potopite u vrelu vodu na nekoliko sati i ogulite kozu) 5 kasika krem kokosovog mlijeka (koristite mlijeko s vrha u konzervi) 3 kasike kokosovog putera 3 kasike javorovog sirupa 3 kasike soka narandze Narendana kora narandze Potrebno za bazu: 1/3 solje sirovih badema 10 - 12 hurmi Bazu cete napraviti tako sto cete staviti u blender bademe i hurme i dobro izblendati. Stavite u kalup i ostavite u frizider dok pripremate muss. Bademe morate drzati u vreloj vodi nekoliko sati ili ih ostavite u vodi preko noci. Ogulite kozu, ocijedite vodu i stavite bademe u blender. Najprije blendajte s kokosovim mlijekom, pa dodajte i ostale sastojke. Nakon nekoliko minuta dobit cete finu mus pastu. Odvojite jedan dio i u njega dodajte sirovi kakao. Ostavite sa strane. Bijelu masu izlijte na koru i ostavite u frizideru jedan sat. Onda dodajte i cokoaldni sloj i sve skupa ostavite u frizideru nekoliko sati, ili preko noci. Dekorisite kakaom i kuglicama koje mozete napraviti od ostatka mase od baze kolaca. I make so many different versions of healthy caramel bars, but this one is probably my fav. This sweet treat is industrial sugar free, vegan, GF, and raw and full of healthy energy. The best part is - Kids will love it! Base ingredients 2 1/5 cups blended walnuts 1/5 cup coconut oil 1/3 maple syrup or honey 1 tsp salt Caramel filling: 2 1/5 cups nice, soft dates 1/2 cup coconut oil 3 Tbsp hazelnut or almod butter 3 Tbsp hazelnut milk 1 tsp vanilla extract Dark chocolate on top Process: Blend all base ingredients and press it down on parchment paper placed into a smaller baking pan. Freeze. Blend dates with hazelnut milk until smooth. Add coconut oil, butter of choice, vanilla extract. Blend it well and put on walnut base. Freeze for couple of hours before putting dark chocolate on top. Orah - karamel pločiceImam mnogo različitih varijanti zdravih karamel pločica, ali ovaj mi je vjerovatno jedan od najdražih. Jednostavno ništa ne može zamijeniti okus oraha u kolaču. A usporedbi s drugim orašastim voćem, on je i cjenovno najprihvatljiviji.
Ovaj slatkis nema praznih kalorija, bez mlijeka je, jaja, brašna i ne peče se. Za bazu vam je potrebno 2 i pol šolje mljevenih oraha pola šolje kokosovog ulja 1/3 šolje meda ili javorovog sirupa 1 kašičica soli Karamel fil: 2 i pol šolje sočnih, mehkih hurmi 1/2 šolje kokosovog ulja 3 kašike putera od lješnjaka ili badema 3 kašike bademovog mlijeka 1 kašičica ektrakta vanilije Istopljena tamna čokolada za kraj Postupak: Izblendajte sve sastojke za bazu i masu istresite na papir za pečenje, kojim ste obložili manji pleh. Stavite u frižider. Za pripremu karamel fila najprije izblendajte hurme i bademovo mlijeko. Dodajte kokosovo ulje, puter lješnjaka ili puter po vašoj želji, pa dodajte aromu vanilije. Blendajte dok ne dobijete finu kremastu masu. Premazite preko orah baze. Držite u frižideru preko noći. Završite pločice dodajući im crnu čokoladu rastopljenu s malo bademovog mlijeka i kasičicom kokosovog putera. Everyone deserves a sweet weekend! Let's make this one healthy - sweet weekend with this beauty. You will need literally 10 min max for this recipe it if you prepared the cashewnuts beforehand. Base ingredients: Handful of Walnuts 1 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp coconut oil White and Raspberry cream: Handful of soaked cashewnuts 1\3 Cup full cream coconut milk 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1\2 tsp vanilla extract 1 Tbsp honey 1\2 Cup frozen Raspberries Process: Blend Walnuts, then add other base ingredients. Place into a cup and put in a freezer. Rince cashewnuts and blend it with all other cream ingredients except raspberries. Half of the cream will stay white, and in the rest of it you will add raspbberies. Blend and serve as you wish. Love xx, Arduana Mus od oraha i maline Na pripremu ovog zdravog slatkisa necete potrositi vise od 10 minuta ukoliko ste ranije pripremili indijski orah. Pod pripremili mislim, ako ste ih ranije potopili u vodu.
Za bazu vam je potrebno: Šaka oraha 1 kasika meda 1 kasika kokosovog ulja (u cvrstoj formi) Za mus vam je potrebno: Šaka indijskih oraščića. U vodi trebaju biti najkraće 4 sata. Potopite ih noć ranije. 1\3 šolje masnijeg kokosovog mlijeka 1 kašika kokosovog ulja 1\2 kašičice ekstrakta vanilije 1 kašika meda 1\2 šolje malina Priprema: Izblendajte orahe, pa dodajte ulje i med. Stavite u casu i ubacite u frizider dok pripremite mus. Ocijedite indijski oraščić i izblendajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima za mus, izuzev malina. Odvojite jedan dio kreme, on će ostati bijel. U drugi dodajte maline i izblendajte. Slojeve slažite na orah - bazu. Uzivajte xx, Arduana For those avoiding industrial sugar, milk, gluten this is a good choice of healthy treat For 5 cups you will need: Base 3/4 cup GF rolled oats 1/4 cup melted coconut butter 5 tbsp date nectar (can be replaced with maple or agave syrup) 2 tbsp raw cacao For smooth cream you will need: 1 cup soaked unsalted cashewnuts. 3 tbsp coconut oil pinch of salt 1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries 1 tsp vanilla extract 1/3 cup coconut cream Process: Blend oats to get flour then add all other ingredients and divide dough into 5 cups. Place it into freezer. Blend together all cream ingredients until smooth. Fill the cups with this cream and put it back in freezer for couple of hours or even overnight. Decorate with dark chocolate and blackberries Veganske korpice s kupinamaZa vegane, one koji izbjegavaju gluten, industrijski secer ili jednostavno one koji su na dijeti, ovo moze biti poslastica koja ce zadovoljiti potrebu za secerom. Spremit cete je u maksimalno 10 minuta ukoliko noc prije potopite indijske orascice u hladnu vodu. Ovo je vazno da biste ih kasnije mogli izblendati do fine, mus kreme.
Za 5 korpica promjera 9,5 cm bit ce vam potrebni sljedeci sastojci. Najprije za bazu: 3/4 solje zobenih pahuljica. Ako ste intolerantni na gluten, koristite bezglutenske 1/4 solje rastopljenog kokosovog putera 5 kasika pekmeza od datula (mozete mijenjati i drugim zasladjivacem, poput agavinog ili javorovog sirupa. Ili meda.) 2 kasike sirovog kaka Za kremu vam je potrebno: 1 solja neslanih indijskih orascica. Prethodno ste ih trebali potopiti u hladnu vodu a prije blendanja dobro ocijediti. 3 kasike kokosovog ulja prstohvat soli 1 solja smrznutih ili svjezih kupina 1 kasicica ekstrakta vanilije 1/3 solja coconut kreme. (koristite masu s povrsine punomasnog kokosovog mlijeka) Priprema: Izblendajte zone pahuljice da dobijete brasno, dodajte ostale sastojke za koru. Dobivenu masu podijelite u korpice i prstima ravnomjerno rasporedite po cijeloj povrsini korpice. Stavite u frizider. U blender istresite sve sastojke za kremu. Blendajte dok ne dobijete finu, kremastu masu. Napunite korpice kremom i ponovo vratite u frizider. Neka stoje na hladnom nekoliko sati ili cak cijelu noc. |
AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
January 2022