Base: 170g dry but soft plums (pitted) 170g walnuts Blend together and press on the bottom of the tray Mousse: 200g almonds (soak in hot water for 20 minutes then peel the skin off. Pour in another hot water and soak overnight) 50g coconut oil 3-4 TBSP coconut cream (use top of the canned coconut milk) Juice of 1/2 lemon 3-4 TBSP of honey, maple syrup or other natural sweetener 1 tsp vanilla extract Blend all together and pour over the base. Freeze for couple of hours or refrigerate overnight. Veganski cheesecake sa sljivama i bademimaBaza:
170 grama suhih, ali mekanih šljiva 170 grama oraha Izblendajte i pritisnite prstima na dno manjeg pleha Krema: 200 grama badema (namočite ih u vrelu vodu, pa nakon 20tak minuta ogulite ovojnicu. Potom im naspite drugu vrelu vodu i ostavite u njoj nekoliko sati, najbolje preko noći) 50 grama kokosovog ulja Konzerva kokosovog mlijeka (koristite samo kremu s vrha konzerve (3-4 kasike), mlijeko ispod ostavite za supu napr.) Sok 1/2 limuna 3-4 kasike meda, javorovog sirupa ili drugog prirodnog zaslađivača 1 kasicica arome vanilije Dobro izblendajte i prelijte preko baze. Ostavite u frižideru nekoliko sati, opet najbolje preko noći
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