It’s easy to make it, and it's gluten free. One little boy told me this is the best chocolate cake he had in his life! And who knows best chocolate cake except for kids, right? Ingredients, For base: 50gr cacao powder 120ml boiling water Melt cacao in the water Note: In a different bowl place dry ingredients: 150 gr almond flour (grounded almonds) ½ Tsp bicarbonate Pinch of salt In a third bowl, largest one which can be used with mixer machine, place these ingredients: 200gr sugar 150ml olive oil 3 eggs Mousse ingredients: 300 gr dark chocolate 1 heaping TBS butter (unsalted, solid) 300ml whipping cream 3 eggs pinch of salt 1 heaping TBS sugar Process Base: In mixer bowl beat sugar, olive oil and eggs until sugar dissolves completely. Pour cocoa and hot water and finally add dry ingredients (almond flour, salt and bicarbonate). Butter baking pot, pour the mixture in and bake for 40 – 45 minutes on 180C. Let it cool completely while preparing mousse to put on top. On middle heat melt chocolate, butter and pinch of salt and let it cool for a minute. In separate bowls beat egg white and egg yolks. Pour the melted chocolate in egg yolks and beat again. Then place the mixer aside and take a spatula. Egg whites needs to be snowy and stiff (use electric mixer set on medium, scrape the side of the bowl often, and beat until the peak stands straight up when the beaters are lifted from the mixture). Once you got it firm and glossy, poor gradually inside of egg yolks and chocolate mixture. Use spatula and gently mix in egg white (do NOT use all egg whites at once). At the end, beat whipping cream and add it gradually as well inside the mousse, by constantly folding mousse butter with spatula. When chocolate base is cooled completely, cover it with mousse and place inside fridge for couple of hours or overnight. Mousse čokoladna tortaSprema se jednostavno i brzo, ne sadrži gluten i laktozu a fantastičan je! Trebam li reći jos nesto?
Potrebno vam je: 50gr kvalitetnog kakaa 120ml vrele vode Miješajte dok se kakao ne istopi Napomena za koru: U posebnu zdjelu sjedinite suhe sastojke: 150gr bademovog brašna (sitno mljevenih badema) ½ kašičice sode bikarbone prstohvat soli U treću, veliku posudu, prigodnu za mikser stavite: 200gr šećera 150ml maslinovog ulja 3 jaja Potrebno za muss 300gr tamne cokolade 1 velika kasika putera (neslanog) Prstohvat soli, kasika secera 300ml vrhnja za kreme 3 jaja Dalji proces: Zagrijte rernu na 180 C. Jaja, sećer i maslinovo ulje mutite najvećom brzinom miksera, sve dok se šećer u potpunosti ne istopi. Smanjite brzinu pa dodajte kakao tečnost. Sjedinite i na kraju dodajte suhe sastojke (bademovo brašno, sodu bikarbonu i so). Pleh namastite, izlijte tijesto i pecite na 180C 40 – 45 minuta. Ostavite da se hladi dok spremate Mousse. Na srednje jakoj temperaturi istopite cokoladu s puterom i dodajte prstohvat soli. Sklonite s vatre. U posebnim posudama umutite bjelanca i zumanca. Bjelance mora biti cvrsto (Na pola procesa, odnosno miksanja, dodajte mu onu kasiku secera koju smo gore spomenuli). Zumance treba biti pjenasto umuceno, onda mu dodajemo rastopljenu cokoladu i to sjednimo. Potom odlazemo mikser i uzimamo spatulu ili drvenu kasiku. Dodajemo umuceni snijeg od bjelanjaka. Radimo to tako sto dodajemo postepeno, po nekoliko kasika snijega bjelanjaka, a prije nego dodamo novu kolicinu, lagano spatulom upakujemo u mousse. Ponavljamo proces dok ne potrosimo sav snijeg od bjelanjka. Na kraju mikserom umutimo vrhnje za slag (ono treba biti srednje cvrstine jer ako je precvrsto umuceno tesko ga je inkorporirati u mousse). Slag dodajemo u mousse po istom principu kao i bjelanjke. Mousse prelijemo preko ohladjene kore i ostavimo u frizideru nekoliko sati. Najbolje da prenoći.
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AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
January 2022