Easy, tasty and healthy. No industrial sugar, no milk, gluten free and no baking! This amount of ingredients is enough for 8 big protein bars which easily replace your protein shake after workout. It's great in case of crazy sugar cravings too :) For base you will need: 2 Cups grounded almonds 250 gr Dates For caramel layer you will need: 250 gr Dates 150 gr Clmond butter or any other nut butter 100 ml Coconut milk (full cream) 1 Tsp Vanilla 1/3 Cup Whey protein Melted dark chocolate on top and pinch of sea salt. Method: Blend together base ingredients and place on bottom on your pan. Freeze until caramel layer is ready. In food processor blend tougher all ingredients for caramel layer, except protein powder. Mix until well combined. Then add Whey protein and mix again. Place over base. Finish with dark chocolate and sprinkle with pinch of salt which will balance the taste. Proteinske karamel plociceJednostavno, ukusno i zdravo. Bez industrijskog secera, mlijeka, brasna i bez pecenja. Od ove kolicine namirnica mozete napraviti 8 proteinskih plocica, dovoljno velikih da zamijene vas proteinski sejk nakon treninga ili jednostavno zadovolje vasu potrebu za slatkim.
Za bazu vam je potrebno: 2 Solje mljevenih badema 250 gr Hurmi Za karamel slot vam je potrebno: 250 grama Hurmi 150 gr Bademovog putera (mozete ga zamijeniti ljesnjakovim ili puterom nekog drugog kostunicavog voca) 100 ml Punomasnog kokosovog mlijeka 1 Kasicica vanilije 1/3 Solje Whey proteinskog praha Istopljena tamna cokolada i prstohvat krupne morske soli. Postupak: Izblendajte sastojke za bazu, istresite u kalup, pritisnite s vrha kako biste povrsinu lijepo izravnali i zaledite dok spremate karamel sloj. U blender potom stavite sve sastojke za karamel sloj, osim proteinskog praha. Blendajte dok ne dobijete finu jednolicnu masu. Potom dodajte Whey protein i ponovno blendajte. Izlijte na bazu. Zavrsite s istopljenom cokoladom i po vrhu pospite malo krupne morske soli koja ce lijepo izbalanasirati okus ovih proteinskih plocica.
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