Everyone deserves a sweet weekend! Let's make this one healthy - sweet weekend with this beauty. You will need literally 10 min max for this recipe it if you prepared the cashewnuts beforehand. Base ingredients: Handful of Walnuts 1 Tbsp honey 1 Tbsp coconut oil White and Raspberry cream: Handful of soaked cashewnuts 1\3 Cup full cream coconut milk 1 Tbsp coconut oil 1\2 tsp vanilla extract 1 Tbsp honey 1\2 Cup frozen Raspberries Process: Blend Walnuts, then add other base ingredients. Place into a cup and put in a freezer. Rince cashewnuts and blend it with all other cream ingredients except raspberries. Half of the cream will stay white, and in the rest of it you will add raspbberies. Blend and serve as you wish. Love xx, Arduana Mus od oraha i maline Na pripremu ovog zdravog slatkisa necete potrositi vise od 10 minuta ukoliko ste ranije pripremili indijski orah. Pod pripremili mislim, ako ste ih ranije potopili u vodu.
Za bazu vam je potrebno: Šaka oraha 1 kasika meda 1 kasika kokosovog ulja (u cvrstoj formi) Za mus vam je potrebno: Šaka indijskih oraščića. U vodi trebaju biti najkraće 4 sata. Potopite ih noć ranije. 1\3 šolje masnijeg kokosovog mlijeka 1 kašika kokosovog ulja 1\2 kašičice ekstrakta vanilije 1 kašika meda 1\2 šolje malina Priprema: Izblendajte orahe, pa dodajte ulje i med. Stavite u casu i ubacite u frizider dok pripremite mus. Ocijedite indijski oraščić i izblendajte sa svim ostalim sastojcima za mus, izuzev malina. Odvojite jedan dio kreme, on će ostati bijel. U drugi dodajte maline i izblendajte. Slojeve slažite na orah - bazu. Uzivajte xx, Arduana
1 Comment
5/2/2019 15:31:46
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