It takes you only 3 ingredients & few minutes to prepare. It doesn’t need to be perfectly shaped when it’s taste perfectly! You will need: 200 ml heavy cream (I use lactose free) 100 gr finely chopped chocolate ( I use 75% cocoa) Cocoa + Pinch of salt (optional) Process Heat heavy cream, chop chocolate – the finer the better (you can use blender). When cream is hot, move it from heat and pour in chocolate. Do not stir, leave it like that for 10 minutes. After that stir it until chocolate melts completely. If you want to use salt, stir it in now. Leave in the fridge to set firm. Form truffles with your fingers and palms and dust with cocoa powder. Store in the fridge before using. Homemade Chocolate Truffles Za ljubitelje cokolade, za zauzete koji nemaju mnogo vremena za kuhanje, za one koji uzivaju u jednostavnim receptima, ovaj je savrsen!
Sa svega 3 sastojka I nekoliko minuta pripreme dobit ce eksploziju okusa pri svakom zalogaju. Potrebno vam je: 200ml vrhnja za slag (ja sam koristila vrhnje za slag bez laktoze) 100gr cokolade (ja sam koristila crnu, sa 75% kakaa) Kakao prah + prstohvat soli *po zelji. Priprema: Zagrijte vrhnje, sklonite s vatre. Cokoladu isitnite (mozete cak koristiti I blender jer sto je sitnija laske ce se rastopiti I truffles ce biti svilenkastije). U zagrijano vrhnje dodajte cokoladu i ostavite 10 minuta da stoji. Nakon 10 minuta lagano mijesajte dok se cokolada u potpunosti ne otopi. Ako dodajete so, dodajte tada. Ostavite u frizideru dok se potpuno ne stisne. Oblikujte dlanovima u kuglice I pospite kakao prahom. Cuvajte u frizideru.
AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
January 2022