Fun and easy to make. Super Healthy and Utterly delicious. Ingredients 120g diet unsalted peanuts 80g almond flour 250g Medjool Dates, pitted Pinch of fine sea salt 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 30g raw cacao nibs Chocolate Avocado Frosting* 1 medium ripe avocado 30g raw cacao powder or unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tablespoons pure maple syrup, or Agave syrup or Honey A generous pinch of sea salt Process Place the peanuts in a food processor or high-powered blender until ground (but don’t blend too much, you don’t want it to turn into nut butter). Add the almond flour, dates, salt, and vanilla and process until you have a sticky dough that you can press together with your fingers Stir in cacao nibs with a silicone spatula. Transfer the cake dough to the lined pan. Using your hands and/or a silicone spatula, press the dough into the bottom and sides of the pan until it is flat and firm. Freeze the cake until making frosting. Place avocados, cacao powder, maple syrup, and salt in a food processor and blend until creamy and smooth. You should get 3/4 -1 cup of frosting. To serve the cake, spread the frosting on top. The cake will stay good in your freezer for a month or two. Zdrave slatke šnite s avokado kremom Zabavne i jednostavne za pripremu a fantasticno ukusne!
Potrebno vam je: 120 gr Diet neslanog kikirikija 80 grama bademovog brašna (ili mljevenih badema) 250 grama kraljevskih hurmi bez koštica prstohvat soli 1 kašika ekstrakta vanilije 30 grama kakao nibs (to su komadići sirovog kakaa koje možete naći u buticima zdrave hrane. Ovaj sastojak možete i izostaviti.) Za avokado kremu: 1 avokado (mekan, spreman za konzumiranje) 30 grama kvalitetnog kakaa 3 kašike javorovog sirupa (možete zamijeniti agavinim ili medom.) prstohvat soli Priprema: Najprije izblendajte kikiriki. Dodajte i preostale sastojke za koru pa opet dobro izblendajte dok se masa ne sjedini. Pleh maksimalnog promjera 20-15 obložite papirom, pa u njega prebacite izblendanu masu za koru. Ja sam pravila u još manjem plehu kako bi kolač bio masivniji. To naravno ne utiče na ukus, pa ga oblikujte kako vam paše. Stisnite prstima ili špatulom. Poravnajte i stavite u frižider dok pripremite kremu. U blender stavite avokado, javorov sirup, so i kakao, izblendajte i gotovo! U zmrzivaču ga možete čuvati i do dva mjeseca, ali sumnjam da će išta ostati. :)
Did you know that cancer cells feed on sugar? That is why a large number of medical scientists recommend "starvation" of cancer cells with a sugar-free diet as a cheaper way to treat cancer. On the other hand, healthy sugars, which our body knows to recognize and break down, give us good energy. With the goal of raising awareness about healthy lifestyles and healthy eating, I give you the idea for one great mousse cake without refined sugars, without flour, without lactose. When I make it, I usually use very small molds. If you don't have one, you can also use muffin tins. Ingredients for: Base: 80g of toasted hazelnuts (if you toast them yourself, peel them after toasting) 150g of pitted large dates Teaspoon of vanilla extract 20g cocoa nibs (you have them in health food stores, you can replace them with larger pieces of hazelnuts. I put them on mainly because of the texture) Put everything in a blender and combine. Press the mass on the bottom of the mold, level it with firm pressure with your fingertips. Mousse: 100g of cashews (soak overnight in water, or half an hour in boiling water) 2 tablespoons coconut cream (this is the top of canned coconut milk) 3 tablespoons agave syrup, honey or maple syrup 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2 tablespoons lemon soda 30g of cocoa butter or coconut oil A few frozen raspberries Drain the cashews, melt the cocoa butter and put these, as well as the remaining ingredients for the mousse, in a blender and blend well. Pour over the base and place in a fridge overnight. I decorated the cake with balls I made from the base, and I rolled some of them in beetroot powder. Pink sirova torticaDa li ste znali da se stanice raka hrane šećerom? Zbog toga veliki broj medicinskih naučnika kao jeftiniji vid tretiranja raka preporučuju "izgladnjivanje" stanica raka prehranom bez šećera.
S druge strane zdravi šećeri, koje naše tijelo zna da prepozna i razgradi, daju nam dobru energiju. S ciljem dizanja svijesti o zdravim zivotnim stilovima i zdravoj prehrani, dajem vam ideju za jednu sjajnu muss torticu bez rafiniranih secera, bez brasna, bez laktoze. Kada ga pravim, obicno koristim vrlo male kalupe. Ukoliko nemate takav, mozete koristiti i kalaupe za mafine. Potrebno vam je: Baza: 80 gr tostiranih lješnjaka (ako ih tostirate sami, nakon tostiranja skinite im koru) 150 gr kraljevskih hurmi bez koštica kašičica vanilla extracta 20 gr cocoa nibs (imate ih u trgovinama zdrave hrane, mozete ih zamijeniti krupnijim komadima lješnjaka. Stavljam ih uglavnom zbog teksture) Sve stavite u blender i sjedinite. Masu pritisnite na dno kalupa, izravnajte čvrsim pritiscima vrhovima prstiju. Mus: 100 gr indijskih oraščića (potopite preko noći u vodu, ili na pola sata u vrelu vodu) 2 kašike kreme kokosa (to je vrh konzerviranog kokosovog mlijeka) 3 kašike agave sirupa, meda ili javorovog sirupa 1 kašičica vanilla extracta 2 kašike soka limuna 30g kakao putera ili kokosovog ulja Nekoliko smrtznutih malina Indijske oraščiće ocijedite od vode, kakao puter rastopite i te, kao i preostale sastojke za mus stavite u blender pa dobro izblendajte. Prelijte preko baze i stavite u frizider da prenoći. Kolač sam ukrasila kuglicama koje sam napravila od baze, a neke od njih sam uvaljala u cveklin prah. |
AuthorFull time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
January 2022