Of all the American pancake recipes, this one is my family's favorite. Which is great because it is also the simplest to prepare and includes the ingredients we all have in our refrigerators and pantries. This quantity is enough for 4 people. Required: Dry ingredients: 2 cups of flours (do not top them) pinch of salt two Tbsp sugar (because of the special aroma I use muscovado) baking powder + one teaspoon of baking soda Wet ingredients: 2 eggs (room temperature) One and a half (1,5) cup of yogurt (full) vanilla aroma Procedure: First place the pan on the stove to heat up. Use a non-stick bottom pan. Best to use the same one as for crepes. Let it heat up to a higher temperature and then reduce the temperature to medium-high before baking. Mix the dry and wet ingredients separately, then combine them all together. If the dough is too thick, add some more yogurt. Dough density is very important. The mass should be denser than the dough for French crepes, but it should not be too thick. The ideal density is reached if, when you lift the mixer, the dough leaks slightly and evenly back into the bowl, leaving a mark on the surface. Bake in a dry pan, not adding oil. Make sure that the amount of dough you put on the pan is always the same, so you get pretty much the same pancakes. My advice is to take two to 3 tablespoons of dough to the pan. The smaller they are, the more beautiful they are. A minute or two on one side, then flip over on the other. The temperature should be medium strength. Serve with topping as desired. Americki palacinci s jogurtom (bez masnoce)Od svih recepata za americke palacinke ovaj je mojoj porodici najdrazi. Sto je sjajno jer je ujedno i najjednostavniji za pripremiti I ukljucuje sastojke koje svi imamo u nasim friziderima i ostavama. Navedena kolicina je dovoljna za 4 osobe.
Potrebno je: Suhi sastojci: 2 solje brasna (nemojte ih puniti do vrha) prstohvat soli dvije kasike secera (zbog posebne arome ja koristim muskovado) prasak za pecivo + jedna kasicica sode bikarbone Mokri sastojci: 2 jaja (sobna temperatura) Jedna i po (1,5) solja jogurta (vrhom puna) aroma vanilije Postupak: Najprije stavite tavu da se grije. Koristite tavu s neprijanjajucim dnom. Najbolje onu koju koristite za crepe palacinke. Neka se grije na jacoj temperature, a prije pecenja temperaturu smanjite na srednje jako. Izmijesajte odvojeno suhe i mokre sastojke, pa sastavite sve zajedno. Ako je tijesto previse gusto dodajte jos malo jogurta. Gustoca tijesta je veoma vazna. Masa treba biti gusca od tijesta za francuske crepes, ali ne smije biti ni pregusta. Idealnu gustocu ste postigli ukoliko, kada podignete mutilicu tijesto lagano i ravnomijerno curi nazad u zdjelu, ostavljajuci trag na povrsini. Pecite na suhoj tavi, ne dodajuci ulje. Potrudite se da kolicina tijesta koju stavljate na tavu uvijek bude ista, tako cete dobiti prilicno jednake palacinke. Moj savjet je da vadite po dvije do 3 kasike tijesta na tavu. Sto su manji, to su ljepseg oblika. Minut do dvije s jedne strane, pa prevrnete s druge. Temperatura treba biti srednje jacine. Posluzite uz topping po zelji.
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I've kept this rich-flavored cake for my 100th recipe! Why do I refer to it this way? Easy, it's because it comprises 6 chocolates! You can use milk or plain dark chocolate for cooking, it's your choice! I have tried both variations. Dairy gives extra silkiness to the mousse and is sweeter. But this recipe, with modest dark chocolate, turns it into a fantastic snack. Here are some important preparation tips. Before you start preparing, read the whole recipe and follow the instructions. The crust should have cooled down well before pouring chocolate milk and cream over it. Make sure the eggs and butter are at room temperature before you start preparing. And yes, do not be alarmed by the liquid condition of the cream before pouring on the crust. Because of this, the cake will melt in your mouth and the cream will stiffen if you allow the cake to stay overnight in the fridge. The above ingredients are for a large cake pan, up to 26 cm in diameter. Ingredients: Crust: 8 eggs (separate yolk and egg whites) 200 grams of sugar 200 grams of butter 200 grams of chocolate 4 buckets of flour 1 baking powder 2 dcl (1 small cup) of chocolate milk Mousse: 1 l Whipping Cream 400 grams of chocolate Process: First, prepare the crust. Start by warming the oven. Turn it on at 180C. You will bake the crust at the same temperature. Then, place in a small saucepan 200 grams of chocolate with 200 grams of butter and let it simmer over a low heat. During this time, whisk the egg whites and set aside. In a separate bowl, whisk together the yolks, gradually adding 200 grams of sugar to them. Add that melted chocolate and butter to it. Mix it up. Add 4 tablespoons of flour mixed with baking powder. Unite. Finally, add the whipped egg whites gradually and combine with a wooden spoon or spatula. Try not to over mix, let the dough remain airy. Pour into a baking tray lined with baking paper. Bake for 25 - 30 minutes. Cool the crust well. As the crusts cools almost completely, prepare the mousse cream. On a low heat, pour a liter of whipping cream into a large saucepan and add 400 grams of broken chocolate to it. Stir occasionally. When it boils, remove it. Over the cooled crust, pour the chocolate milk, let it soak in and then pour the hot cream on the crust. Don't worry about the density, it will stiffen nicely during cooling. Leave in the fridge overnight. Torta 6 čokolada Za svoj 100ti recept cuvala sam ovu tortu bogatog okusa. Zasto sam ju ovako nazvala? Jednosavno jer se sprema se sa 6 cokolada! Mozete koristiti mlijecnu, ili obicnu crnu cokoladu za kuhanje, izbor je vas! Jas am probala obje varijante. Mlijecna daje dodatnu svilenkastost musu i sladja je. Ali ovaj recept i skromnu crnu cokoladu za kuhanje, pretvara u fantastican zalogaj.
Evo i nekoliko vaznih savjeta za pripremu. Prije nego krenete s pripremom procitajte cijeli recept i drzite se uputa. Kora mora biti dobro ohldjena prije nego ju zalijete cokoladnim mlijekom i na nju istresete kremu. Potrudite se da jaja i puter budu sobne temperature prije nego krenete s pripremom. I da, ne dajte se uplasiti tecnim stanjem kreme prije izlijevanja na koru. Zbog nje ce se torta topiti u ustima a krema ce se stisnuti ukoliko torti dozvolite da prenoci u frizideru. Navedeni sastojci su za veliki pleh za tortu, promjera do 26 cm. Potrebno vam je: Kora: 8 jaja (razdvojite zumance I bjelance) 200 grama secera 200 grama putera 200 grama cokolade 4 kasike brasna 1 prasak za pecivo 2 dcl (1 manja solja) cokoladnog mlijeka Krema: 1 l Vrhnja za slag 400 grama cokolade Proces: Najprije pripremite koru. Pocnite od zagrijavanja rerene. Ukljucite je na 180C. Na toliko stepeni cete i peci koru. Potom, u malu serpu stavite 200 grama cokolade s 200 grama putera I ostavite na niskoj temperaturi, na sporetu, da se rastopi. Za to vrijeme, umutite bjelance i ostavite sa strane. U posebnoj posudi razmutite zumance, postepeno im dodajuci 200 grama secera. U to dodajte onu rastopljenu cokoladu i puter. Izmijesajte. Dodajte 4 kasike brasna pomijesane s praskom za pecivo. Sjedinite. Na kraju, umucene bjelanjke dodajte postepeno i sjedinite drvenom kasikom ili spatulom. Pokusajte da ne pretjerujete s mijesanjem, neka tijesto ostane vazdusasto. Izlijte u pleh, oblozen papirom za pecenje. Pecite 25 – 30 minuta. Koru dobro ohladite. Pred kraj hladjenja pripremite kremu. Na laganu vatru, u vecu serpu izlijte litar vrhnja za slag I dodajte mu 400 grama izlomljene cokolade. Povremeno promijesajte. Kada provri skinite s vatre, gotovo je. Rashladjenu koru zalijte cokoladnim mlijekom, pustite da upije I onda izlijte vrelu kremu na koru. Ne brinite zbog gustoce, lijepo ce se stisnuti tokom hladjenja. Ostavite u frizideru preko noci. Soft and tasty, they are the ideal choice for a weekend breakfast. If you've got a good pan, you won't even need the oil! I haven't used a single drop of any kind of grease. They are easy to prepare while the ingredients below are enough for 2 to 3 people. Ingredients: 125g of flour (I used gluten-free, but ordinary flour is fine) Baking Powder 1/2 Tsp. Podravka brand "Salut" salt 1 Tbsp. Sugar 2 Eggs (separate yolk and egg white) 1 Glass of Milk (200ml) 125g Cottage Cheese 100g of blueberries, raspberries or any other fruit you prefer Process: Switch on stove and place pan to heat up. Mix the flour, salt and baking powder. In the middle of bowl, within the flour, make a little hole and place the yolk inside it. Start mixing while you gradually add milk in order to get a smooth batter. Add the cheese and fruits and mix again. Whisk the egg white in a separate bowl and then pour into the bowl above containing the rest of the batter, mixing it afterwards slowly with a wooden spoon. Pour batter onto the hot pan and bake. Once done serve with honey, Greek yoghurt and fruits. Americke palacinke s Cottage sirom i vocem Mekane i ukusne, pravi su izbor na vikend dorucak. Ako imate dobru tavu ulje vam uopće nije potrebno. Ja za ove nisam koristila niti kap masnoće. Lako se spremaju a ova količina je dovoljna za 2-3 osobe.
Sastojci: 125 grama brasna (ja koristim bez glutena, ali mozete I obicno) Prasak za pecivo ½ kasicice Podravkine Salut soli 1 kasika secera 2 jaja (odvojiti zumance I bjelance) 1 casa mlijeka (200 ml) 125 grama Cottage sira 100 grama borovnica, malina ili drugog voca po zelji Proces: Najprije stavite tavu da se grije. Pomijestajte brasno, so i prasak za pecivo. U sredini zdjelice, u brasnu, napravite udubljenje i u njega stavite zumanca. Pocnite mutiti dodajuci postepeno mlijeko kako biste dobili glatku masu. Dodajte sir i voce, izmijesajte. Bjelanca umutite posebno I postepeno ih dodajite prethodno umucenoj masi. Izmijesajte drvenom kasikom, lagano da se bjelanca utope u smjesu. Pecite na vreloj tavi i posluzite uz med, grcki jogurt I voce. If you love juicy, toffee like brownies, this is the recipe for you! Juciy from the inside with a crunchy crust on top and crunchy Oreo pieces, this is a treat for the whole family! Ingredients: 165g Butter 2 Chocolate (milky or dark - as you like!) 3 Eggs + 2 Egg Yolks Only 165g Sugar Vanilla Sugar or Vanilla Aroma 2 Tbsp of Flour 1 Tbsp cocoa powder 100g Oreo Cookies Process: Heat oven to 180C. Melt butter and then add the pieces of chocolate and let it melt inside the butter. Whisk eggs until foamy, then gradually add sugar. Immediately add the vanilla sugar or vanilla aroma. Add the melted butter with chocolate to the whisked eggs. Add flour and cacao powder and mix it slowly using a wooden spoon or spatula until the flour is one with the rest. Break up 40 grams of Oreo's (4 of them) and add them to the batter. Lay the baking paper into the pan and pour out the batter on top of it and bake it on 180C for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven once done, letting it cool down completely after which you can start cutting it to serve. Oreo BrownieAko volite socne, "toffee like" brownije, ovo je recept za vas. Socni untura s hrskavom film - koricom na vrhu i crunchy komadicima Orea, poslastica su za cijelu porodicu.
Sastojci: 165 grama putera 2 cokolade (mlijecne ili tamne, po zelji) 3 jaja + 2 zumanca 165 grama secera Vanilin secer ili aroma vanilije 2 kasike brasna 1 kasika kako praha 100 grama Oreo keksa Proces: Zagrijte rernu na 180C Rastopite puter pa mu dodajte izlomljenu cokoladu i pustite da se otopi u puteru. Jaja pjenasto umutite, pa im postepeno dodjite secer. Odmah dodajte i vanillin secer ili aromu vanilije. U umucena jaja izlijte rastopljeni puter s cokoladom. Sipajte brasno i kakao i mijesajte lagano drvenom kasikom ili spatulom dok se brasno ne sjedini s masom. Izlomite 40 grama orea (4 keksica) i dodajte u tijesto. Tepsiju oblozite papirom za pecenje, izlijte tijesto I pecite na 180C 25 minuta. Vadite I sijecite tek kada bude potpuno hladno. Oh dear, if you’ve got a sweet tooth like I do then you’re sport routine will not give you the right results! Except if you choose your sweets wisely! Well, I created this recipe using only 6 TBS of flour – so it’s almost gluten free! But IT IS sugar & lactose free and very high in protein. And…you’re welcome! Ingredients, base: 6 egg whites 100 gr chopped walnuts 200 gr pitted and chopped dates one orange – juice 6 TBS flour Filling 300 gr dates ½ cup almond milk 4 heaping TBS solid coconut oil 2 tbs cocoa Process Beat egg whites until whites are foamy, beat in chopped walnut, dates, squeeze orange juice and continue beating for half minute more. Fold flour into batter by using spatula. Separate batter into two and bake separately. Bake in preheated oven on 180C for 20 minutes. Filling is so easy to prepare: Just blend together all filling ingredients J Fill the cake once the baked butter is cold. Refrigerate over night. Proteinska Torta Ako volite slatko, kao što ja volim, vjerovatno izostaju rezultati sa treninga iz teretane, kao što izostaju moji. Osim, ako znate mudro birati slatkiše.
Kreirala sam ovaj recept koristeći samo 6 kašika brašna, tako da je gotovo bezglutena J Bogat je vlaknima. Nisam korstila šećer, ali je sladak. Takodjer, ovaj kolač bih preporučila i onima koji su alergični na laktozu. Za koru vam je potrebno: 6 bjelanjaka 100 gr krupno narezanih oraha 200 grama krupno narezanih hurmi Sok jedne naranče 6 kašika brašna Fil: 300 grama hurmi ½ šolje bademovog mlijeka 4 vrhom pune kašike kokosovog ulja (čvrsta forma) 2 kašike kakaa. (Kakao sam koristila samo u pola kreme. Preciznije u onaj dio kojim sam premazala vanjski dio kolača. Koristila sam ga samo zbog boje.) Priprema: Mikserom mutite bjelanjak dok ne naraste. Dodajte orahe, hurme, sok naranče, te sve mikserom sjedinite. Na kraju dodajte brašno umiješajte u tijesto lopaticom ili drvenom kasikom. Tijesto razdvojite na dva dijela. Kore pecite odvojeno. Pecete 20 min u zagrijanoj rerni na 180 C. Fil napravite tako sto sve sastojke blendate dok ne dobijete finu, glatku masu. Kolač filujete kada se kore prohlade. Ostavite u frižideru nekoliko sati prije serviranja. At home, we all love dumplings and I don't really know why I haven't taken better advantage of this plum season! In any case, dumplings do not have to be filled with plums alone. You can fill them, for example, with apricots or various jams. Below you have a recipe for basic dumplings with plums, and you, if you want to try different filings. You need: 1 kg of potatoes pinch of salt 80 g butter Two smaller eggs 250 grams of flour Filling: 20 plums 20 cubes of sugar 1-2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon (optional) For sprinkle: cc 60 g butter cc 50 g bread crumbs Preparation: Peel, cut, boil, dry and squeeze potato along with a tablespoon of butter and a little salt. Let it cool down. Add eggs to chilled mash and gradually add flour. You may not need the above indicated amount. Depending on the type of potatoes, some simply are not so doughy. Basically, I try not to put a lot of flour, but only to the extent that it is necessary for it to not stick to the fingers. Try not to rub it too much so that it will remain exquisite and soft. If you put too much flour, it will simply be tough. One trick will help you to reduce the amount of flour: make sure your fingers and palms have flour on them, so that the paste will be less sticky making it faster and easier for you to shape the dumplings. Then gently, roll the dough to a thickness of 1 cm. Cut it into 20 equal cubes. In the meantime, put a pot of water to boil. Put a pan on the second hob of the stove and warm it up at the lowest temperature. Clean the plums and in place of its seed place one cube of sugar and and a pinch of cinnamon. Place above plums in the middle of the dough cubes, flour your fingers and palms, wrap the dough around the plum, gently coat it with flour and form the dumpling. Put the dumplings to boil in boiling water. I cook them in a few cycles, depending on the size of the pot, but I will not let them push against each other and touch because they could break up. Cook until they float to the surface, and then another minute or two. Total about 6 - 7 minutes. While the dumplings are boiling, in a heated saucepan with butter, bake the bread crumbs. Roll the dried dumplings into the baked breadcrumbs and then into the sugar. You can also do so in walnut or almonds, pistachios .... Knedle sa Sljivama U kuci svi volimo knedle i bas ne znam zasto ovu sezonu sljive nisam bolje iskoristila. U svakom slucaju, knedle ne moraju biti punjene iskljucivo sljivama. Mozete ih puniti recimo marelicama, ili dzemovima. U nastavku imate recept za osnovne knedle sa sljivama, a vi, ako zelite probajte razlicite filinge.
Potrebno vam je: 1 kg krompira prstohvat soli 80 g maslaca 2 manja jaja 250 grama brašna Fil: 20 zrelih šljiva 20 kocki šećera 1-2 kašičice mljevenog cimeta (po zelji) Za presip: cc 60 g maslaca cc 50 g prezle Priprema: Krompir ogulite, isijecite, skuhajte, ocijedite i izgnjecite uz jednu vecu kasiku putera i malo soli. Ostavite da se ohladi. U prohladjen pire dodajte jaja i postepeno dodajite brašno. Mozda vam nece biti potrebna naznacena kolicina. Ovisno o vrsti krompira, neki jednostavno nije toliko gnjecav. Uglavnom ja nastojim da ne stavljam puno brasna, nego tek toliko koliko mi je neophodno da se tijesto ne lijepi za prste. Nastojte i da ga ne gnjecite previse, kako bi ostalo izdasno i mekano. Ukoliko stavite previse brasna tijesto ce jednostavno biti zilavo. U redukciji brasna ce vam pomoci jedan trik: nastojte da su vam prsti i dlanovi posuti brasnom i tako ce se tijesto manje lijepiti i brze i lakse cete oblikovati loptu od tijesta. Potom lagano, razvaljajte tijesti na debljinu cc 1 cm. Isijecite ga u 20 jednakih kocki. U medjuvremenu stavite serpu vode da vri. Na drugo kolo stavite tavu neka se zagrijava na najnizoj temperaturi. Šljive očistite i na mjesto kostice stavite jednu kocku secera i vrh kasicice cimeta. Ovako pripremljene šljive, stavite na sredinu kocke od tijesta, pobrasnite prste i dlanove, omotajte tijesto oko sljive, lagano postipte brasnom i formirajte knedlu. Knedle stavite da se kuhaju u kipuću vodu. Ja ih kuham u vise tura, ovisno o velicini serpe, ali ne dam im da se guraju i dodiruju jer se tako mogu raspasti. Kuhajte dok ne isplivaju na površinu, pa još minutu - dvije. Ukuono oko 6 - 7 minuta. Dok se knedle kuhaju, u tavi, na zagrijanom maslacu prepecite prezlu. Ocijedjene knedle uvaljajte u popečenu prezlu, pa potom u secer. Mozete i u orah ili badem, pistace.... I tested this recipe couple of times before sharing it with you. Every time I made it, it was celebration of good taste! Easy to prepare and heaven in your mouth! Apple Crumble pie, Ingredients Filling: · 1 kg apples, peeled, cored, and cut into cubes · 2 teaspoons freshly squeezed lemon juice · ⅓ cup granulated sugar · 2 teaspoons cornstarch ·Pinch of salt · 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon ·Pinch of ground nutmeg · 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Topping: · ½ cup all-purpose flour · ⅓ cup sugar (I use brown) ·70 g cold unsalted butter, cut into small cubes Pinch of salt · ⅓ cup old-fashioned oats · ⅓ cup chopped walnuts Instructions: 1. Preheat oven 180C. 2. Make the apple filling: In a medium bowl, toss apples with lemon juice. Add all other ingredients and toss evenly to coat. Transfer mixture to prepared baking dish and spread evenly. Set aside. 3. Make the topping: Place all ingredients except for oats and nuts in a food processor and pulse until mixture clumps together into crumbly balls. Sprinkle oats and nuts over mixture and pulse 2-3 times to combine. 4. Bake for 30-40 minutes, until topping is golden brown and juices are bubbling. Allow to cool down for few minutes more in the switched off oven 5. Serve warm and, if you like, add ice cream. 6. Crumble will keep, covered, in the fridge for up to 3 days, but will taste best and be crispier on the first day it’s made. After that, it will slowly become soggier. PITA OD JABUKA S PRHKIM TIJESTOM Nekoliko puta sam isprobala ovaj recept prije nego sam ga podijelila s vama. Svaki put je bio fantastican. Lako se sprema I brzo nestaje!
Potrebno vam je Fil: 1 kg jabuka (koristite nakisele) ogulite ih I isijecite na kockice 2 kasike soka limuna 1/3 solje secera (koristim smedji) 2 kasike kukuruznog skroba (gustina) prstohvat soli 1 kasicica cimeta prstohvat muskatnog orascica 1 kasicica ekstrakta vanilije Prhko tijesto ½ solje brasna 1/3 solje secera 70 gr hladnog putera, izrezanog na kockice prstohvat soli 1/3 solje cijelih zobenih pahuljica 1/3 solje oraha Proces: Zagrijte rernu na 180 C Jabuke ocistite, isijecite I dodajte im ostale sastojke za fil, sve lijepo izmijesajte I ravnomjerno rasporedite u pleh za pecenje. PRIPREMITE PRHKO TIJESTO: U blender za tijesto ( a mozete to raditi I rucno) stavite sve sastojke za prhko tijesto osim oraha I zobenih pahuljica. Kada puter ugnjavite s brasnom, na kraju svemu dodajte pahuljice I orahe, lagano promijesajte I rasporedite po jabukama. Pecite do 40 minuta, a potom ostavite jos na kratko u izgasenoj rerni. Posluzite toplo, sa ili bez sladoleda. Ovako pripremljena pita od jabuka moze ostati I u frizideru do 3 dana, ali ju je najbolje pojesti svjezu. Reci cu vam samo jednu stvar – fantasticno je. Preporucujem da ga spremate u blenderu jer je brze I jednostavnije. Ako tijesto nakuhavate, budite strpljivi, trebat će vam 15 – 20 minuta da puter reaguje i poveze brasno.
Potrebno: ½ solje rizinog brasna ¼ solje + 2 kasike bezglutenskog brasna ¼ solje brasna od prosa ¼ solje kukuruznog škroba 1 kasika šećera prstohvat soli 115 grama putera – hladnog I neslanog, isječenog na kockice 1kašika jabukovog sirćeta 6 – 8 kašika ledeno hladne vode Proces U blender (s odgovarajucom mutilicom za tijesto) kombinirajte rizino, brasno od prosa, bezglutensko brasno, kukuruzni skrob, secer, so I puter I pulsirajte dok se ne sjedini. Ukoliko tijesto gnjavite rukama, onda prstima dobro izgnjecite puter I sjedinite s brasnom. Potom pomijesajte ledenu vodu s kasikom sirceta I postepeno, kasiku po kasiku dodajite brasnu. Ako koristite blender ici ce brze, ako tijesto radite rukama trebat ce vam 15tak minuta da dobijete zeljenu teksturu koja ce kasnije moci da se razvalja. Oblikujte tijesto u loptu, zamotajte u prozirnu foliju I ostavite u frizideru najmanje pola sata. Prije nego ga razvaljate drzite ga na sobnoj temperature nekoliko minuta. Razvaljajte ga izmedju dva masna papira (papira za pecenje), lagano pobrasnite a ako se pocijepa samo ga ponovo sastavite I ponovite proces. Budete njezni s oklagijom. Manji, lagani pritisak na tijesto dat ce bolji I brzi rezultat. Ovo je ipak bezglutensko tijesto I teze je s njim raditi. I na kraju, prije nego filujete svoj tart, pitu ili galetu – vratite tijesto u frizire na 15tak minuta. Pece se, kao I svako oko 40 minuta. Ingredients 200 grams digestive biscuits 5 Tbsp brown sugar 6 Tbsp white sugar 120 grams butter 500 grams of Mascarpone Cheese Juice from one squeezed lemon 2 Eggs 2 Vanilla Sugar (2 small packs of 10 grams each) 360 grams of sour cream (20%) Process Heat oven to 250 degrees celsius. Coat the inside of a small to medium sized spring pan (casserole) with oily paper and sprinkle two tablespoons of brown sugar over it equally. Grind the digestive biscuits. I prepare this cheesecake using a food processor with which I first grind the biscuits – 5 seconds and it's done! Add the melted butter and 3 spoons of brown sugar to the crumbled biscuit and move it all into a spring pan, pressing lightly with your fingers (not so hard) in order to prepare he base. Place the spring pan into the heated oven for 4 to 5 minutes. Meanwhile, prepare the „yellow“ cream batter, by placing the mascarpone cheese, lemon juice, 2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of white sugar and one small pack of vanilla sugar into the blender. Take out the spring pan with the base from the oven and pour over the „yellow“ cream batter over it. Lower the temperature of the oven to 170 degrees and bake for 20 minutes. While the “yellow” cream batter is baking, prepare the “white” cream batter by mixing together the sour cream, one pack of vanilla sugar and 3 tablespoons of white sugar. And that’s it! Take out the “yellow” batter from the oven after after it baked for 20 minutes. Be careful as it’ll look very fragile, like pudding. Should you wish to have a visible shade difference between the “yellow” and “white” cream, pour the latter slowly over the former. I do this by using a tablespoon and placing the “white” cream, one spoon at a time, over the “yellow” cream so that they wouldn’t mix. Once you’re done, return the cheesecake into the hot oven for another 5 to 10 minutes – max! During this time, the cake will appear still to look like a pudding, but do not worry. Take it out, place in fridge for minimum 4 to 5 hours (even better over night) for the cheesecake to get firm. Cheesecake Ovaj Cheesecake neodoljivo podsjeća na onaj koji služe u "Torte i to". Čak sam, negdje na internetu, pročitala da to i jeste njihov recept. Uglavnom do mene je došao zahvaljujući mojoj kolegici Mirsadi i ja ga sada, evo, dijelim s vama. Nadam se da će donijeti radost onima kojima ga spremate, kao što donosi radost u moj dom, svaki puta kada ga napravim.
Potrebno vam je: 200 gr Digestiv keksa 5 kašika smeđeg šećera. Ja koristim Muscavado smeđi šećer iz DM-a jer on da posebnu aromu ovom kolaču. 6 kašika običnog šećera 120 gr putera 500 gr Mascarpone sira sok 1 limuna 2 jaja 2 vanilin šećera 2 kisela vrhnja (pavlake 20% masnoće - 360 gr) - ili jedna velika pavlaka. Priprema: Zagrijte peć na 250 C. Okrugli pleh manje do srednje veličine obložite masnim papirom i po njemu, ravnomijerno pospite 2 kašike smeđeg šećera. Keks sameljite. Ja ovaj kolač spremam koristeći Food procesor u koji najprije ubacim keks. 5 sekundi i on je samljeven! Onda dodam rastopljeni puter i 3 kašike smeđeg šećera. Potom istresite smjesu u kalup i utisnite prstima ili trbuhom kašike, ali ne pritišćite prejako. Stavite u zagrijanu rernu na 4 - 5 minuta. Za to vrijeme pripremite "žutu" kremu tako što u blender stavite Mascarpone, sok jednog limuna, 2 jaja, 3 kašike običnog šećera i 1 vanilin šećer. Izvadite koru iz rerne i preko nje prelite "žutu" kremu. Temperaturu rerne smanjite na 170 C i pecite 20 minuta. Dok se to peče pripremite i "bijelu kremu". Za nju trebate izmiješati pavlaku, 1 vanilin šećer i 3 kašike običnog šećera. O da, to je sve! Nakon što se žuta krema pekla 20 minuta, izvadite je iz rerne. Budite oprezni jer će krema izgledati vrlo krhko, poput pudinga. Ako želite vidljivu razliku u nijansi između žute i bijele kreme, onda lagano bijelu kremu izlijte preko žute. Ja to radim kašikom na način da jednu po jednu kašiku bijele kreme raspoređujem po vrhu žute kreme da se one ne bi izmiješale ili da žuta krema ne bi progutala bijelu. Kada ste to napravili vratite kolač u izgašenu rernu. Neka tako stoji 5 - 10 minuta (maksimalno). U toj fazi kolač će i dalje biti "pudingast" ali ne brinite. Stavite ga u frižider na 4 - 5 sati i kreme će se lijepo stisnuti i topiti u ustima! These are definition of delicious and easy food. Made with only few ingredients, it will melt in your mouth. For 16 muffins you need: 200 gr butter 200 gr sugar 4 eggs 75 grams walnuts (chopped) 100 gr chocolate (chopped) 200 gr flour Baking powder Maple syrup for glazing Process: Beat butter by using electric mixer, until pale and fluffy, pour in sugar and beat again. Start adding one by one egg. Each should be well incorporated in the batter. Set electric device aside and lightly mix in chopped walnuts and chocolate by using spatula. Finely incorporate flour and baking powder, also using spatula. Don’t over mix the dough. If you do, muffins won't be fluffy and light. Muffin cups shouldn’t be completely filled with this batter, only 2/3 of it. Bake in preheated oven on 180C for 20 minutes. Once it’s baked slightly, chill glaze them with maple syrup. (optional) Mafini s orasima i cokoladom Oni su definicija brze I ukusne poslastice. Sa svega nekoliko sastojaka topit ce vam se u ustima.
Za 16 mafina vam je potrebno: 200 gr putera 200 gr secera 4 jaja 75 grama usitnjenih oraha 100 grama usitnjene cokolade 200 gr brasna Prasak za pecivo Javorov isrup za glazuru (po zelji) Postupak: Najprije dobro umutite puter. Mutite ga mikserom sve dok ne postane blijed I vazdusast, potom dodajte secer. Ja koristim smedji, a vi koristite onaj koji zelite. Kada ste I secer dobro izmiksali pocnite s dodavanjem jaja. Jedno po jedno muteci masu izmedju svakog. Potom odlozite mikser I u tijesto uspite usitnjene orahe I cokoladu. Ja obicno stavim meksicke orahe I crnu cokoladu, no recept nije na to ogranicen. Koristeci drvenu kasiku ili plasticnu spatulu sjedinite orahe I cokoladu s tijestom. Na kraju uspite brasno pomijesano s praskom I lagano ga inkorporirajte u ostatak smjese. Ne mijesajte previse jer ce mafini postati gumenasti I izgubice svoju prozracnost. Pecite u dobro zagrijanoj rerni, na 180C, 20 minuta. Kada su peceni I lagano prohladjeni premazite ih javorovim sirupom. |
Full time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
March 2022