I was going throughI a bunch of recipes this weekend trying to find the ideal bundt cake only to end up making one of my own! It's not difficult and I'm sure you have all the ingredients in your kitchen cupboards! I used coconut butter, it's widely available at all supermarkets nowadays and is healthier and even cheaper than regular butter! Here's what you need: Ingredients: FOR THE CAKE Dry ingredients 2 plus 1/4 small cups all-purpose flour (I consider small cup up to 200ml) 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1 plus ½ teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt Wet ingredients 1/2 large cup milk (I consider large cup as 250ml) 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Plus 250 gr coconut butter 1 Icing sugar 200 ml sweet heavy cream Process: Make the cake: Preheat oven to 180 C. Butter a bundt pan. In a large bowl, whisk together dry ingredients. In separate bowl, with electric mixer, whip heavy cream for few minutes and leave aside. In third bowl beat butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, 3 to 5 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition; add vanilla. Reduce speed to low; add milk and then start by adding mixture of dry ingrediants. Spoon after spoon until just combined. Add whipped cream in the end. Mix all together Transfer batter to prepared pan. Bake until a cake tester comes out clean, about 55 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack to cool completely. Top with melted chocolate (optional). Cokoladni kuglof Iscitavala sam hrpu nekih recepeta trazeci idealan kuglof za ovaj vikend I na kraju ustvari napravila svoj recept.
Nije tesko, nemojte da se uplasite liste sastojaka jer sve ovo sigurno imate u svojim kredencima. Koristila sam kokosov puter. Imate ga kupiti svuda. Stoji u friziderima pored drugih putera s napisom “kokosova mast”. Zdraviji I mnoogo jeftiniji od regularnog putera. Evo sta vam je potrebno: Suhi sastojci 2 plus ¼ mala solja brasna (mala solja je DO 200ml) ¾ solje kakao praha 1 plus ½ kasicice praska za pecivo 1 kasicica soli Mokri sastojci ½ velike solje mlijeka (velika solja je 250ml) 3 jaja 1 kasicica ekstrakta vanilije Plus: 250 gr kokosove masti (sobna temperatura) 1 solja secera u prahu 200 ml slatkog vrhnja za slag Postupak: Rernu zagrijte na 180C. Kalup premazite puterom. U jednoj zdjeli sjedinite sve suhe sastojke. U drugoj zdjeli mikserom umutite vrhnje za slag. U trecoj dobro smiksajte kokosovu mast sa secerom u prahu. Tome dodajite jedno po jedno jaje. Izmedju svakog dobro sjedinite smjesu. Umutite u to i kasicicu vanilla arome. Smanjite brzinu miksrera i dodajte mlijeko. Potom podajite mjesavinu suhih sastojaka. Kasiku po kasiku sve dok sve ne ukorporirate i dobijete finu glatku masu. Na kraju dodajte umuceno slatko vrhnje i sve sjedinite. Istresite tijesto u kalup i pecite oko 55 minuta. Probodite tijesto, cackalicom napr, kako biste provjerili da li ista na njoj ostaje. 55 minuta bi trebalo biti sasvim dovoljno. Ohladite a potom ako zelite prelijte topljenom cokoladom. Prijatno!
Full time food lover, spare time - delicious & easy recipes creator Archives
March 2022