For the crust you need: 4 egg yolks 125g sugar 125g ground walnuts A handful of raisins 1/2 cup flour (200ml cup) + one teaspoon baking powder 1 row of chocolate (melt with two tablespoons of oil) Filling: 4 egg whites and 4 tablespoons sugar Plus jam (as you wish). Preparation: Whisk the egg yolks and sugar, then add the remaining ingredients for the crust. You will get a compact mass that you need to tap on the bottom of the baking tray. I used a narrow tray lined with baking paper. Bake at 180C for 20 minutes, then remove from the oven and spread with jam as desired and spread solidly beaten egg whites with sugar over the jam. Put a handful of ground walnuts over the egg whites. Return to the oven, then reduce the temperature to 170C and bake for another 20 minutes. Cool well before eating. Pariške štangliceZa koru vam je potrebno:
4 žumanca 125g šećera 125g mljevenih oraha Šaka groždjica 1/2 šolje brašna (šolja od 200ml) + jedna kašičica praška za pecivo 1 red čokolade (istopite s dvije kašike ulja) Fil: 4 bjelnca i 4 kašike šećera Plus pekmez po želji. Priprema: Pjenasto izradite žumance i šećer, pa dodajte i preostale sastojke za koru. Dobit ćete kompaktnu masu koju trebate utapkati na dno pleha za pečenje. Ja sam koristila uski pleh kojeg sam obložila papirom za pečenje. Pecite na 180C 20 min, potom izvadite iz rerne pa premažite pekmezom po želji a preko pekmeza premažite čvrsto umućen bjelanjak sa šećerom. Preko bjelanjka stavite šaku mljevenih oraha. Vratite u rernu, pa smanjite temperaturu na 170C i pecite još 20 min. Dobro ohladite prije konzumiranja.
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