A shortbread that is prepared effortlessly and within half an hour. Plus baking, of course. Its thriftiness is an added plus, so I believe there are few who will miss trying to prepare it. Prepare the crust by inserting into the food processor: 4 egg yolks 250g of flour 100g of sugar 170g butter Baking powder Vanilla sugar Divide the dough into two parts, with cc 2/3 of the dough in one and the rest in the other, ie 1/3. Freeze a small part. Roll out the larger one and place it in a smaller tray that you will line with baking paper (My tray was 31:22 in diameter). Also store the pan in the refrigerator until you make the filling. You prepare the filling by whipping well: 4 egg whites 150 g of sugar 1 sachet of vanilla sugar Add 3 smallest cups of solid yoghurt (3.2% fat) to the beaten egg whites. These are 180 g glasses. You can also use Greek yogurt. Add two small cups of sour cream (20% fat). Combine with egg whites and pour over chilled crust. Grate the frozen part of the dough over. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 30 - 40 min. Cool well before serving. P.S. I put a thin layer of jam on the bottom crust, before the filling. It is very tasty, but keep in mind that the jam completely softens the bottom crust and that in that case, the shortbread will be difficult to take out. Prhki kolač s pavlakom i jogurtom Prhki i sočni kolač koji se sprema bez ikakvog napora i u roku od pola sata. Plus pečenje, naravno. Ekonimičnost mu je dodatni plus, pa vjerujem da je malo onih koji će propustiti da ga probaju spremiti.
Koru spremite tako što ćete u food processor ubaciti: 4 žumanjka 250 g brašna 100 g šećera 170 g putera Prašak za pecivo Vanillin šećer Dobijeno tijesto podijelite u dva dijela, s tim da u jednom bude cc 2/3 tijesta a u drugom ostatak, odnosno 1/3. Manji dio zaledite. Veći razvaljajte i stavite u manji pleh kojeg ćete obložiti papirom za pečenje (Moj pleh je bio promjera 31:22). Spremite i tepsiju u frižider dok ne napravite fil. Fil spremate tako što dobro umutite: 4 bjelanca 150 g šećera 1 kesica vanillin šećera Umućenim bjelancima dodajte 3 najmanje čaše čvrstog jogurta (3,2% masti). To su čaše od po 180 g. Možete koristi i grčki jogurt. Dodajte dvije male čaše pavlake (20% masti). Sjedinite s bjelancima i prelijte preko rashlađene kore. Preko narendajte zaleđeni dio tijesta. Pecite u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C 30 – 40 min. Dobro rashaldite prije posluživanja. P.S. Ja sam na donju koru, prije fila, stavila tanki sloj džema. Vrlo je ukusno, ali imajte na umu da džem potpuno smekša donju koru i da ce u tom slucaju, kolac biti teško vaditi.
This cake is for gathering, celebrations and sharing good times with people you love. You can make this amazing recipe using basic ingredients and it is very fun to decorate it! Don’t you think it’s look gorgeous? For chocolate cake (base) you will need: Dry ingredients: 130g flour 200g sugar 45g unsweetened cocoa powder Baking powder Pinch of salt Wet ingredients: 1 egg ½ cup yoghurt ½ cup vegetable oil 1 tsp vanilla extract ½ cup boiling water In different bowls combine separately dry and wet ingredients, then stir together and bake in preheated oven on 180C for 45 minutes or until inserted toothpick comes out clean Don’t forget to butter the baking pan. Once it’s baked and chill, cut it in three layers. While cake is cooling make oreo icing You will need: 250g butter 350g powdered sugar 220g Oreo crumbs (about 2 boxes of Oreo) – Crush them in a food processor ½ cup hot milk 1 tsp vanilla extract Using mixer beat butter and powdered sugar, then add crushed Oreos. In the end pour in hot milk and vanilla extract and mix again. Spread the icing on top of each layer and save some for decoration. To make chocolate ganache: Heat ½ cup heavy whipping cream just until it begins to boil, then pour over 80 grams of chocolate. Allow it to sit for 2-3 minutes, then whisk until smooth. Drizzle the chocolate ganache around the edge of the cake, then pour the remainder of the ganache on top of the cake and spread evenly. Allow the ganache to firm up a bit, then pipe the remainder of the frosting around the top edge of the cake. Cake is best when well covered for 3-4 days. Oreo TortaOva torta je za druženja, za slavlja, za proslavu lijepih trenutaka s dragim ljudima. Jednostavna za pripremu i prekrasno izgleda!
Za čokoladnu koru vam je potrebno: Suhi sastojci: 130g brašna 200g šećera 45g kakaa Prašak za pecivo Prstohvat soli Mokri sastojci: 1 jaje ½ šolje jogurta ½ šolje ulja 1 kašičica villa extracta ½ vrele vode Najprije odvojeno izmutite suhe i mokre sastojke pa ih sastavite i izmiješajte. Koristite srednji ili manji kalup za pečenje. Namastite ga puterom i ivice pospite brašnom da se kora lakše odvoji nakon pečenja. Pecite cc 45 min u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C. Provjerite čačkalicom da li je tijesto pečeno. Dobro ohladite pa izrežite na tri jednaka sloja. Dok se torta peče i hladi pripremite frosting. Potrebno vam je: 250g putera 350g šecera u prahu 220g Orea samljevenog u food procesoru (to je otprilike dvije kutije keksa. Jedan dio sačuvajte za dekoraciju.) ½ šolje toplog mlijeka 1 kašičica vanilla extracta Mikserom najprije dobro umiješajte puter i šećer u prahu. Šećer dodajite postepeno. Potom uspite Oreo, izmiješajte pa dodajte toplo mlijeko i vanilla extract. Sve sjedinite. Slažite tortu mažući svaki sloj frostingom. Ostavite dio i za dekoraciju. Za izradu ganaša vam treba: ½ šolje vrhnja za šlag zagrijati do vrijenja ali nemojte dozvoliti da proključa. Prelijte vrhnje preko 80g izlomljene čokolade. Ostavite nekoliko minuta prije nego dobro izmiješate. Neka se ganaš najprije malo prohladi prije nego ga izlijete na vrh torte. Nakon toga dozvolite da se lijepo stisne prije finalnog ukrašavanja torte. Možete je čuvati u frižideru 3-4 dana ali sam sigurna da ćete je pojesti prije. Easy to make, delicious and smells like heaven. Since you have to divide dry and wet ingredients, I will divide them in writing this recipe as well. Dry ingredients: 2 cups flour 2 tsp baking powder ¾ tsp baking soda Pinch of salt 1 tsp nutmeg ½ tsp cardamom (powdered) 2 tsp cinnamon ½ cup sugar Combine all dry ingredients together and make a well inside to place wet ingredients. Wet ingredients: 1 egg ¼ cup butter (room temperature) ½ cup yoghurt ½ cup apple sauce 1 small apple (grated) 1 tsp vanilla extract Mix all wet ingredients together. Make sure butter is well incorporated. Pour this batter into dry ingredients and combine to make batter. Do not overbeat. You should use spatula instead of electric mixer. Butter the molds before squeezing the batter in. Bake for 10 minutes on 180C in preheated oven. Cool well before coating in melted butter and sugar mixed with cinnamon. Domaći donati s jabukama Jednostavni za pripremu, ukusni i ispune cijelu kuću prekrasnim mirisom.
Kako ćete tokom pripreme morati razdvojiti suhe i mokre sastojke, tako cu ih i napisati. Suhi sastojci: 2 šolje brašna 2 kašičice praška za pecivo ¾ kašičice sode bikarbone prstohvat soli 1 kašičica muškatnog orašćića ½ kašičice kardamoma (mljevenog) 2 kašičice cimeta ½ šolje šećera Sjedinite sve suhe sastojke i u sredini napravite udubljenje u koje ćete sipati mokre Mokri sastojci: 1 jaje ¼ šolje putera (sobne temperature) ½ šolje jogurta ½ šolje sosa od jabuke 1 mala jabuka (naribana) 1 kašičica vanilla extracta Dobro izmiješajte mokre sastojke, posebno obratite pažnju na puter, mora se lijepo sjediniti s ostalim sastojcima. Potom mokre sastojke izlijte u suhe i izmiješajte. Koristite drvenu kašiku, ne električni mikser jer ne želimo premijesiti tijesto. Kaplupe namažite puterom prije nego iscijedite tijesto u njih. Ja sam to radila uz pomoć vrećice za šlag. Pecite 10 min. u zagrijanoj rerni na 180C. Ohladite prije nego ih uvaljate u rastopljeni puter, a potom u šećer pomiješan s cimetom |
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