This is the easiest bundt cake ever. And it is utterly delicious! So, preheat the oven on 160C, and take one medium bowl. Place all the below ingredients inside:
Use electric mixer to make the batter smooth and in the end pour in:
Mix the batter once again well. Butter the mould (bundt cake pan) and pour out the batter. If you are using small moulds, bake for 20-22 minutes (check if done by poking with a toothpick). If using a large mould then bake for 50 minutes. Lemon Icing
Mix the icing well and pour over the cooled bundt cake(s). Kuglof s limunom i jogurtom Ovo je najbrži i najjednostavniji kuglof kojeg sam ikad napravila. Vrlo je sočan i ukusan.
Divno miriše po limunu i krasan je u zimskom periodu. Rernu zagrijte na 160C i uzmite jednu srednje veliku zdjelu. Sve navedene sastojke dodajte unutra: 180ml maslinovog ulja 2 Jaja Narendana korica jednog limuna 60ml svjeze cijedjenog limunovog soka 280g Grčkog jogurta (cvrstog) 200g muscovado sečera (ili obicnog) Mikresom umutite tijesto prije nego dodate: 280g brasna Prasak za pecivo Ponovo dobro umutite. Puterom namažite kalup i istresite tijesto. Ako koristite male kalupe pecite 20 - 22 minute (čačkalicom provjerite je li pečeno). Ako koristite veliki kalup pecite 50 minuta. Limun Glazura 160g Šečera u prahu 1 Kasika limunovog soka 1/2 Kasike vrele vode Dobro izmiješajte i prelijte preko ohladjenog kuglofa.
Who doesn't love them? We can serve them as a sweet breakfast, or with afternoon tea, on birthdays, various gatherings. There’s no need to buy muffins in a box because I’ve come up with one super-simple recipe for them. To make it, you will only need a few ingredients that everyone has in the kitchen! Quick preparation, available ingredients and the taste is fantastic. As oil is an indispensable ingredient for us, I will tell you that I used BIMAL OMEGA. This oil is enriched with Omega - 3 fatty acids and vitamin E. It is recommended for those who prefer a balanced diet. Also, it is always good to know that BIMAL OMEGA is a GMO Free product! The below listed ingredients are for 12 pieces and we divide them into dry and wet. Dry ingredients: 2 cups (220 ml each) flour 1 cup sugar Baking powder Mix the dry ingredients, make a dent in the middle and add the wet ingredients into it. Wet ingredients: 1 Egg - Room Temperature ½ cups of BIMAL OMEGA oil ½ cups of milk 1 tablespoon vanilla aroma You can also add berries or pieces of chocolate to this basic dough. Mix everything and place into the muffin pan. Fill each muffin pan cup in such a way that 1/3 of it remains empty. Preheat the oven, then bake the muffins for 20 minutes at 180C. Decorate as desired. Jednostavni mafini Ko ih ne voli?! Možemo ih poslužiti kao slatki doručak, ili uz popodnevni čaj, na rodjendanima, raznim druženjima. Nema potrebe za kupovnim ili mafinima iz vrećice, jer sam osmislila jedan super jednostavni recept za njih. Za izradu će vam biti potrebno svega nekoliko sastojaka koje svi imaju u kuhinji!
Brza priprema, dostupni sastojci a ukus fantastican. Kako nam je ulje neizostavan sastojak, reći ću vam da sam koristila BIMAL OMEGA. Ovo ulje je obogaćeno omega – 3 masnim kiselinama i vitaminom E. Preporučuje se onima koji vode računa o balansiranoj ishrani. Takodjer, uvijek je dobro znati da je BIMAL OMEGA GMO Free proizvod! Navedeni sastojci su za 12 komada i dijelimo ih na suhe i mokre. Suhi sastojci: 2 solje (od po 220ml) brašna 1 šolja šećera prašak za pecivo Izmiješajte suhe sastojke, napravite udubljenje u sredini i u njega dodajte mokre sastojke Mokri sastojci: 1 Jaje - Sobna Temperatura ½ šolje BIMAL OMEGA ulja ½ šolje mlijeka 1 kašika arome vanilije U ovo osnovno tijesto mozete dodati i bobičasto voće ili komadiće čokolade. Sve izmiješajte pa stavite u kalupe za mafine. Svaki na način da 1/3 kalupa ostane prazna. Zagrijte rernu, pa mafine pecite 20 minuta na 180C. Po želji ukrasite. An ideal dessert for late summer and autumn days. The whole philosophy of lazy pie is in a crispy dough that melts in your mouth. This is exactly so. It does not crack, it is easy to shape, it is easy to store. The recipe for the dough is from a very old cookbook and I am happy to extend its shelf life in this way. Preparation time is an hour. Ingredients: • 300g flours • 150 g butter • 3 full tablespoons of sugar • a pinch of salt • 2 tablespoons sour cream • 2 egg yolks • vanilla sugar • 1 lemon (grated and squeezed juice) Ingredients for apple filling • 1 kg of apples. (Clean and grate) • 4 - 6 tablespoons of sugar (depending on what kind of apples you work with) Preparation: In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt, butter, lemon zest. Crush with your fingers but do not process for too long as the butter will start to melt. Then add the remaining ingredients (egg yolk, sour cream, lemon juice). The dough should be able to knead nicely, without cracking and falling apart. Cut the dough in half into 2 parts, wrap in cling film and leave to stand in the fridge for half an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the filling and preheat the oven (180C). Peel the apples and grate them as desired (I grated larger). Leave them in a strainer for 5 - 10 minutes to release the juice and drain well. Press the apples with your fingers to drain to the maximum. Add sugar to well-drained apples. Roll out the cooled dough on baking paper. Flour a little so it doesn't stick. Place the paper in a medium tray. Put the stuffing, flatten. Roll out the second part, also on greaseproof paper, and transfer over the filling. Sprinkle the pie and bake at 180C until lightly browned. It should not be in the oven for more than 30 minutes. Allow to cool, slice and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Lijena pita (prhko tijesto punjeno jabukama) Idealna slastica za kraj ljeta i jesenje dane.
Sva filozofija lijene pite je u prhkom tijestu koje se topi u ustima. Ovo je upravo tako. Ne puca, lako se oblikuje, jednostavno sprema. Recept za tijesto je iz jedne prastare kuharice i sretna sam da mu na ovakav nacin produžavam vijek trajanja. Vrijeme pripreme je sat vremena. Sastojci: • 300g brašna • 150g putera • 3 vrhom pune kašike šećera • prstohvat soli • 2 kašike pavlake • 2 žumanjka • vanil šećer • 1 limun (rendana korica i iscijeđen sok) • Sastojci za nadjev za od jabuka • 1 kg jabuka. (Očistite i naribajte) • 4 – 6 kašika šećera (ovisno o tome s kakvim jabukama radite) Priprema: U posudi pomiješajte brašno, šećer, so, puter, koricu limuna. Izmrvite prstima ali ne obrađujte predugo jer ce se puter poceti topiti. Potom dodajte preostale sastojke (žumanca, pavlaku, sok limuna) Tijesto bi se trebalo moći lijepo zamijesiti, bez da puca i raspada se. Tijesto prepolovite na 2 dijela, zamotajte u prozirnu foliju i ostavite da odstoji u frižideru pola sata. Za to vrijeme pripremite nadjev i zagrijte rernu (180C). Jabuke ogulite i naribajte ih po želji (ja sam ribala krupnije). Ostavite ih u cjediljku na 5 – 10 minuta da puste sok pa dobro ocijedite. Pritišćite prstima jabuke da ocijedite maksimalno. Dobro ocijedjenim jabukama dodajte šećer. Ohlađeno tijesto razvaljajte na papiru za pečenje. Malo pobrašnite da se ne lijepi. S papirom smjestite u osrednji pleh. Stavite nadjev, poravnajte. Razvaljajte I drugi dio, takodjer na masnom papiru, pa prebacite preko nadjeva. Izbockajte pitu i pecite na 180C dok lagano ne porumeni. Ne bi trebalo da je u rerni duže od 30 minuta. Ostavite da se ohladi, isijecite i pospite šećerom u prahu. Amazing how something so simple can be so delicious! The recipe differs in various parts of Bosnia Herzegovina and here is one that is most common in Central Bosnia (with a bit of finishing touches from my end!). Grease the pan with butter. Cut the plums in half, remove the seeds, roll them in flour, then arrange them on a baking sheet facing down. Cut a few smaller cubes of butter over the plums. Sprinkle them with sugar. If they are sweet, 3-4 spoons will be enough. Bake in a preheated oven (190C) for 25 minutes. As I mentioned, depending on the parts of the country, someone pours sweet cream over the plum pie, some with whipped cream, some with cooking cream, some with milk, and I did the following: Before I started making plum pie, I made an agda (sweet syrup) that simmered while the plum pie was being prepared and baked. Here's what you need for it: A cup and a half of water, half a cup of brown sugar (or plain), a few stars anise, Cinnamon stick, When the agda (sweet syrup) was well cooked I added a teaspoon of vanilla aroma. I served the plum pie with a spoonful of mascarpone cheese over which I poured a little agda (sweet syrup). It was amazing! Šljivopita (Tradicionalno bosansko slatko)Nevjerovatno kako nešto tako jednostavno može biti toliko ukusno!
Recepti se razlikuju od dijelova BiH, evo jedan koji je najzastupljeniji u Srednjoj Bosni. Uz moju malu doradu. J Pleh namastite puterom Šljive prepolovite, odstranite koštice, uvaljajte u brašno, pa poredajte po plehu okrenute prema dole. Narežite nekoliko manjih kockica putera preko šljiva. Pospite ih sećerom. Ako su slatke biće dovoljno 3 – 4 kasike. Pecite u zagrijanoj rerni (190) 25 minuta. Kao što sam spomenula, ovisno o dijelovima zemlje, neko poslije šljivopitu zalije slatkim kajmakom, neko vrhnjem za šlag, neko vrhnjem za kuhanje, neko mlijekom, a ja sam uradila sljedeće: Prije nego sam počela praviti šljivopitu napravila sam agdu koja se krčkala dok se šljivopita spremala i pekla. Evo šta vam je za nju potrebno: Šolja i pol vode, Pola šolje smedjeg sećera (ili običnog), Nekoliko zvjezdica anisa, Štapić cimeta, Kada se agda dobro ukuhala dodala sam kašičicu arome vanilije. Šljivopitu sam servirala uz kašiku mascarpone sira po kojem sam prelila malo agde. Bajkovito! You don’t need to go to Belgium to try their authentic waffles! Crisp and golden outside and soft and moist from the inside are so easy to make at home. Besides your whole family will love you, your home will smell heavenly for whole day after you bake it. Ingredients dry: • 2 Cups plus 2 TBSP All Purpose Flour • 1 Tablespoon Baking Powder • 1 Tablespoon baking soda • 3 Tablespoons Sugar • 1/2 Teaspoon Salt • 1 Teaspoon Cinnamon Ingredients wet: • 2 Large Eggs Separated • 1/2 Cup Vegetable Oil • 2 Cups Milk • 1 Teaspoon Vanilla Extract Instructions: Preheat and oil your waffle iron and set aside. In one bowl whisk together dry ingredients In another bowl beat the egg whites with a hand mixer until stiff peaks form. Set aside. In third bowl mix together egg yolk, vegetable oil, milk, and vanilla extract. (wet ingredients) Add the wet ingredients to the dry ingredients and mix well. Fold in the egg whites. Pour the batter onto your hot waffle iron. Cook, serve immediately and enjoy fully! Have a lovely day! Belgijske VafleNe morate do Belgije da biste uzivali u njihovim autentcnim vaflama. Jednostavno i brzo ih mozete spremiti kuci. Osim sto ce vam ukucani biti zahvalni, dom ce cijeli dan mirisati po njima!
Godinama ih spremam na ovaj nacin i nikad ne omanu. Suhi sastojci: 2 solje plus dvije kasike brasna 1 kasicica praska za pecivo 1 kasicica sode bikarbone 3 kasike secera ½ kasicice soli 1 kasicica cimeta Mokri sastojci: 2 veca jaja (razdvojite bjelanjke i zumanjak) ½ solje ulja 2 solje mlijek 1 kasicica extracta vanille Postupak: Zagrijte i nauljite aparat za vafle. U jednu zdjelo sjedinite sve suhe sastojke i promijesajte U drugu umutite bjelanjak dok ne dobijete cvrsti snijeg U trecu zdjelu umutite zumanjak i dodajte mu ostale mokre sastojke. Potom mokre spojite sa suhim sastojcima i na kraju postepeno dodajte umuceni bjelanjak, pa sjedinite kasikom. Pecite, posluzite odmah i uzivajte! I made this Nigella’s recipe for years and it’s truly always a winner! Ideal for those who like less sweet cakes. But that doesn’t mean it’s not packed in flavor, on the contrary. Ingredients: For the cake 200g Plain Flour 1 tsp Baking Powder ½ tsp Bicarbonate of Soda 2 tsp Ground Ginger ¼ tsp fine sea salt 175g soft light brown sugar 2 large eggs, at room temperature 200ml vegetable oil, plus extra for greasing 200g carrots, peeled and coarsely grated 100g walnut pieces, roughly chopped, plus extra for decorating 75g crystallised ginger, finely chopped, plus extra for decorating For the icing 100g unsalted butter, softened 100g icing sugar, sieved if lumpy 1 tsp cornflour 100g cream cheese 1 tbsp coarsely grated fresh root ginger Method 1. Preheat the oven to 170C/150C and grease the sides and line the base of a 20cm springform cake tin with baking paper. 2. Mix the flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger and salt together in a bowl. 3. Beat the sugar, eggs and oil in another large bowl until they are completely mixed together, then gradually add the flour mixture. At this stage the mixture may seem alarmingly stiff, but the carrots will loosen it up. Beat in the carrots and then fold in the walnuts and crystallised ginger, until everything is evenly combined. 4. Spoon into the prepared tin. Don’t worry if it looks as if you haven’t got enough batter, as the cake will rise well as it bakes. Smooth the top and bake for 45–55 minutes. When it’s ready, the cake will be set and golden brown on top, beginning to shrink away from the edges of the tin and a cake tester will come out with just a few crumbs stuck to it. Transfer to a wire rack and leave to cool in its tin. 5. Meanwhile, to make the icing, beat the butter and icing sugar together and when combined, beat in the cornflour, followed by half the cream cheese. Once that’s incorporated, beat in the remaining half. Be careful not to over-beat or the icing will get too runny. Squeeze the juice from the grated ginger into the bowl and mix in, discard the ginger flesh. Cover with cling film and place in the fridge. 6. When the cake is completely cold, take the icing out of the fridge for about 20 minutes. Beat briefly to make sure it’s smooth. Remove the cake from its tin and place on a plate or cake stand. Spread the icing on top, swirling it a little, then sprinkle some chopped walnuts and crystallised ginger on top. Kolač od Mrkve i Đumbira Ovaj Nigellin recept spremam godinama i uvijek je pun pogodak. Idealan za one koji vole manje slatke kolace. To ne znaci da nije ukusan, upravo suprotno.
Savjetujem vam da prije spremanja dobro isčitate recept i obavite pripremu. Ustitnite mrkvu orahe, djumbir. Iz frizidera izvadite puter i jaja, jer trebaju biti sobne temperature. Kada ste ovo napravili, dalja priprema je jednostavna i brza Sastojci Za kolač: 200 gr brašna 1 kašičica praška za pecivo ½ kašičice sode bikarbone 2 velike kašike rendanog djumbira ¼ kašičice soli 175 grama smedjeg šećera 2 krupna jaja (sobne temperature) 200 ml ulja (trebat će vam još nekoliko kapi za podmazati tepsiju) 200 grama krupno rendane mrkve 100 grama oraha (krupno sječenih) Trebat će vam još jedna šaka za dekoraciju 75 grama ušećerenog djumbira, sitno nasjeckanog. Trebat će vam još šaka za dekoraciju. Za glazuru: 100 grama neslanig putera (sobna temperature) 100 grama šećera u prahu (prosijte ako se zgrudvao) 1 kašičica kukuruznog brašna 100 grama mazivog sira (Philadelphia ili neki slican tome) (Ja stavim malo više od 100 grama) 1 kašičica narendanog djumbira Proces: 1.Rernu zagrijte na 150C/170C. Podmažite kalup koji ste obložili papirom za pečenje. Kalup treba biti promjera 20 cm. 2. Pomiješajte brasno, prašak, sodu bikarbonu, narendani djumbir i so. 3. U drugoj posudi dobro umutite jaja, šećer i ulje. Brašno potom dodajite postepeno. Masa će biti prilično gusta, ali mrkva će opustiti tijesto. Dodajte mrkvu, umutite, pa na kraju dodajte i orahe i kristalizirani djumbir i sve lijepo sjedinite. 4. Izlijte u pripremljeni kalup. Izravnajte površinu i pecite 45 – 55 minuta. Kada je pečeno. Tijesto će dobiti zlatno tamnu boju na površini a kada zabijete čačkalicu na njoj će biti nekoliko mrvica. Izvadite i ostavite da se ohladi. 5. Pripremite glazuru. Najprije umutite puter i šećer u prahu. Kada se to dvoje sjedini dodajte sitno kukuruzno brasno i dodajte pola krem sira. Kada se sjedini dodajte i preostalo pola. Pazite da ne premijesite, jer će glazura postati tečna. Stanite čim vidite da se sjedinilo. Ucijedite sok rendanog djumbira a njegovo meso odstranite. (Priznajem da ja ponekad jednostavno dodam tu kasiku djumbira, ne cijedeci mu sok i ne bacajauci ostatak). Pokrijte prozirnom folijom i spremite u frizider dok se kora potpuno ne ohladi. 6. Kad je kora hladna, izvadite glazuru, promiješajte i premažite preko kolača. Potom ukrasite lomljenim orasima i sjeckanim ušećerenim djumbirom. Ingredients: Caramel: 1/2 cup sugar 4 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons heavy cream pinch of salt Brownie base: 100 g chocolate 125 g butter 1/3 cup brown sugar 1/3 cup granulated white sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 3/4 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder pinch of salt PROCESS Preheat oven to 180C. Line an 8×8 square baking pan with oiled parchment paper. Make that caramel: place the sugar in a small saucepan over medium high heat. Stir frequently – the sugar will form clumps and eventually become smooth. Remove from heat. Add butter and stir in. Add cream and stir in. Return to heat – let it get smooth and bubbly for another few minutes. Pour the caramel on the parchment-lined plate. Freeze for 20-30 minutes to solidify. How to make Brownie: In microwave melt the chocolate and the butter. Then beat together with sugar. Whisk in the eggs and vanilla. Add flour and salt. Cut the cooled caramel into small squares. Most of them incorporate deep into the brownie batter, and the last few caramel pieces arrange on top of the brownies. Bake for 30 minutes. Cool completely before cutting. Salted caramel, fudge brownie Novi omiljeni recept mojim dječacima. Nije za one koji broje kalorije, ali je definitivno za one koji uzivju u slasticama.
Ako nikada ranije niste radili karamel, savjetujem da na youtubeu potrazite video pojasnjenja. Evo sastojaka: Karamel: 1/2 solje secera 4 kasike putera 3 kasike slatkog vrhnja Prstohvat soli Sastojci za Brownie: 100 g cokolade 125 g putera 1/3 solje tamnog secerna 1/3 solje obicnog secera 2 jaja 1 kasicica vanila extrakta 3/4 solje brasna 1 kasicica praska za pecivo prstohvat soli Priprema: Rernu zagrijte na 180C. Manji pleh oblozite papirom za pecenje i lagano ga namastite. Pripremite karamel: U manjoj posudi secer rastopite na laganoj vatri, povremeno mijesajuci. Sklonite s vatre dodajte puter, dobro umijesajte, pa dodajte vrhnje i opet dobro izmijesajte. Vratite na vatru, pa pustite jos kratko da vri. Mijesajte. Izlijte karamel na papir za pecenje ili silikonsku podlogu. Stavite u frizider da se stisne. Pripremite Brownie: U mikrovalnoj rastopite puter i cokoladu. Prebacite u posudu i izmiksajte dodajuci secer. Ubacite jaja, potom vanilu, brasno, prasak i na kraju so. Karamel isijecite na sitnije komade. Najveci dio zabodite duboko u tijesto, a ostatak ostavite na povrsini. Pecite 30 minuta i dobro rashladite prije rezanja. Moist, delicious and easy to make. You will have few bunches to bake, but baking takes only 12 minutes, so don’t worry you will not lose much time on making these beautiful Whoopie pies. And you know what? I guarantee you, everyone around you will be grateful. And one more thing, once baked, they should be stored in a closed box or under the lid on cake holder. Dough: Sift together: 1 whole + 3/4 cup of flour, (use a large 220 ml tea cup) 3/4 cup cocoa, pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder plus 1/2 teaspoon baking soda. When sifting, set aside 1/2 cup of butter (cc 130gr) room temperature diced into cubes (it is interesting to make better use of cheap and firmer butter for these cookies, because the quality ones, when baking, will melt and get watery all over the pan); in fact it would be best with a combination of butter and vegetable butter. Like we had coconut butter until recently. But, unfortunately, I have not been able to find anything in the last few days. Anyways, besides butter you'll also need: 1/2 cup of dark sugar 1/2 cup white sugar Mix butter and sugar until smooth (7 -10 minutes) Add 1 egg (room temperature) 1 teaspoon vanilla or vanilla aroma or vanilla stick Then take 1 cup of full fat milk and add it gradually to mix with sifted flour and cocoa. On a baking tray lined with baking paper, add a teaspoon of dough 2 to 3 cm between each one at a time. You will need two baking trays. Cookies will enlarge and spread out. A teaspoonful is a sufficient measure of dough. Bake for 12 minutes, in an oven heated to 190C and allow to cool later (bake all 12 minutes at 190C). Make the filling while they are baking. Pour a boiling cup of whipped cream over 225 grams of milk chocolate. Allow the chocolate to melt for a few minutes. Then mix it well in order to get a fine, smooth chocolate mass. Cool it a little and stir with mixer until you get a cream firm enough to fill the cookies with. Sendvić kolačićiMekani i sočni, ukusni i jednostavni za pripremu.
Evo nekoliko napomena: Imat ćete tijesto za više tura pečenja. Ja obično pečem po dva pleha u jednoj turi i imam ukupno dvije ture. Kako se peku samo 12 minuta, to ide brzo. Koristite manje kašičice za vađenje tijesta na papir za pečenje jer se oni rašire tokom pečenja, a manji su mnogo ljepši. Kada ih ispečete i napunite čuvajte ih pod poklopcem u držaču za tortu ili u nekoj kutiji. Tijesto: Prosijte skupa: 1 cijelu + 3/4 šolje brašna, (koriste veliku šolju za čaj od 220 mll) 3/4 šolje kakaa, prstohvat soli 1 kašičicu praška za pecivo plus 1/2 kašičice sode bikarbone. Kad prosijete ostavite sa strane 1/2 šolje putera (cc130gr) sobne temperature isječenog na kocice (zanimljivo da je za ove kolačiće bolje koristiti jeftinije-čvršće putere, jer se od kvalitetnog znaju, tokom pečenja, razliti po tepsiji:) ) za njih bi najbolje radila kombinacija putera i bijelog biljnog masla. Kao sto smo donedavno imali kokosovo maslo. Ali, nažalost, zadnjih dana ga nigdje nisam mogla naci. Uglavnom osim putera dalje ide: 1/2 solje tamnog šećera 1/2 solje bijelog šećera Mikserom mutite puter i šećer dok ne dobijete homogenu masu (7 -10 minuta) Dodajte 1 jaje sobne temperature 1 kašičicu vanilije ili aromu vanilije ili štapić Potom uzmite 1 šolju punomasnog mlijeka i odajite u smjesu naizmjenično i postepeno sa prosijanim brašnom i kakaoom Na pleh oblozen papirom za pečenje vadite po jednu malu kašičicu tijesta sa po 2 - 3 cm izmedju svakog. Trebat ce vam dva pleha. Kolačići narastu i rašire se. Vrhom puna cajna kašičica je dovoljna mjera za tijesto. Pecite 12 minuta, u rerni zagrijanoj na 190C i poslije ostavite da se ohlade ( pecete svih 12 min takodjer na 190) Dok se peku napravite punjenje. 225 grama mliječne čokolade zalijte sa zavrelom šoljom vrhnja za šlag. Ostavite nekoliko minuta da se čokolada otopi. Onda lijepo izmiješajte i dobit ćete sjajnu, glatku čokoladnu masu. Malo je prohladite i mutite mikserom dok ne dobijete kremu dovoljno čvrstu za punjenje kolačića. Ingredients:
1. Preheat oven to 160°C . Place the cocoa and boiling water in a bowl and mix until smooth. Set aside. 2. Use an electric mixer to combine both the sugars and butter in the bowl, and beat on high speed for 6 minutes or until light and creamy. 3. Add the vanilla, eggs and cocoa mixture and beat until well combined. Add the flour and mix until just combined. Pour the mixture into a lightly greased 21cm x 10cm loaf tin lined with non-stick baking paper. Bake for 1 hour 10 minutes or until cooked when tested with a skewer. 4. I recommend pot filled with water to be placed in the oven. Steam will make cake even more moist and prevent it from wrecking on top. 5. Cool in the tin for 5 minutes before turning out on to a wire rack to cool completely. Kakao KriskaSastojci:
100g Kakao Puder 180ml Kljucale Vode 250g Putera (Sobne Temperature) 220g Secera (kristal, sitni) 120g Smedjeg Secera 2 Kasicice Ekstrakta Vanilije 5 Jaja 150g Brasna Priprema: Rernu zagrijte na 160C stepeni. U ključalo vreloj vodi rastopite kakao. Miješajte dok ne dobijete glatku masu. Ostavite sa strane. Električnim mikserom mutite puter i obje vrste šećera. Koristite najjaču brzinu, mutite 6 – 7 minuta dok se šećer ne rastopi, a puter postane pjenast. Dodajte ektrakt vanilije, jaja, kakao masu i dobro izmiksajte. Potom dodajte brašno pa sve sjedinite. Izlijte u kalup u kojeg ste stavili papir za pečenje s dvije – tri kapi ulja. Pecite 1:10h. Preporucujem da na dno rerne stavite drugu tepsiju s vodom kako bi kolač dodatno dobio na sočnosti i kako ne bi pucao. Nakon pečenja, ohladite 5 minuta u kalupu, prije nego ga izvadite iz njega I pustite da se potpuno ohladi. I don't know what to call it this recipe, except as above which is the only way I think is fair! You need a big baking tray for these squares. It will last you a long time and the good thing is that it becomes finer as time passes. The ingredients are something we all have in our pantry, and is ideal when you have excess jam in your fridge. Dough made up of following ingredients: 1 kg of flour 1 baking powder 2 cups of sugar 1 margarine 1 cup oil 2 eggs 800 gr - 1 kg of jam (according to personal taste) Combine everything well. Make sure you rub your margarine in the flour with your fingers and that you don't have any lumps of margarine. You will get loose paste, like making a pie with a crunchy dough. Divide the mass in half. Roll one half briefly into ice and spread the other on the baking pan and press palms down to flatten the dough. Coat the jam over the top and place the rest from the ice on top. Do not rub it with your fingers but leave it as a dough. Bake at 190C for ten minutes first, then reduce the temperature to 160C and leave for another 30 minutes. The cake is actually just drying, it should not be over-baked. Cut when you take it out and it's cooled down. Ne znam kako bih ga nazvala, osim ovako i jedino tako mi se cini fer. Za kocke vam treba veliki pleh. Dugo ce vam trajati a dobra je stvar sto stajanjem postaje sve finiji. Sastojci su nesto sto svi imamo u ostavama, a idealan je u situaciji kada u friziderima imate viška dzema. Tijesto: 1 kg brašna 1 prašak za pecivo 2 šolje šećera 1 margarin 1 šolja ulja 2 jaja 800 gr - 1 kg dzema (po licnom ukusu) Sve dobro sjedinite. Potrudite se da prstima umasirate margarin u brasno i da vam ne ostaju grudice margarina. Dobit cete rastresito tijesto, kao da pravitu pitu s prhkim tijestom. Razdvojite masu na pola. Jednu polovinu na kratko ubacite u led, a drugu rasporedite po plehu i dlanovima pritisnite da poravnate tijesto. Preko premazite džemom, pa po vrhu stavite i onaj preostali dio iz leda. Njega nemojte utapkavati prstima nego ga ostavite kao prhko tijesto. Pecite najprije na 190 desetak minuta, a onda smanjite temperaturu na 160 i ostavite jos 30tak minuta. Kolač se ustvari tek isuši, on se ne smije prepeći. Sijecite kada se ohladi. |
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March 2022