Everyone is baking holiday cakes and cookies these days, and for me, the most beautiful holiday cookies are our humble Šape. Maybe because they are the ones baking in my house at the end of the year. You certainly have your own recipe, maybe different from this and I would love for you to write to me how you make them. This is my aunt's recipe. You will not make anything simpler and cheaper without causing you so much comfort on your palate. It just melts in your mouth. Many make them with walnuts and my aunt puts lemon zest on, and I wouldn’t change that. That citrus note complements them so wonderfully. From the mixture below you can get two huge trays of biscuits. If that’s a lot for you, feel free to halve the quantities. Ingredients: 200g butter + 2 shot glasses of oil 2 eggs 200g sugar + vanilla sugar 1 bag of baking powder Grate the rind of one lemon, squeeze the juice and add to the same mixture. Add the flour as needed, until it starts to separate from your fingers. You will need approximately 700-750 g of flour for this amount. Grease the molds, fill them and bake in a preheated oven at 180-190C, 15-17 min. Shake out of the pan on a cotton cloth to cool slightly before removing from the mold. I had some of the most common, cheaper molds, but they still turned out great because the recipe is just perfect. Just squeeze the mold a little with your fingers and they slip right out! Enjoy! ŠapiceSvi ovih dana peku praznične keksiće i kolačiće, a za mene su najljepši praznični keksići naše skromne šape. Možda zbog toga što su se u mojoj kući upravo one pekle na izmaku godine. Vi sigurno imate svoj recept, možda drugačiji od ovoga i voljela bih da mi pišete kako ih vi radite. Ovo je recept moje tetke. Nećete napraviti ništa jednostavnije i jeftinije, a da vam izazove toliko ugode na nepcu. Jednostavno se tope u ustima. Mnogi ih rade s orahom a moja tetka stavlja koricu limuna, i ja to ne bih mijenjala. Ta citrusna nota ih tako divno nadopunjuje.
Od dole navedene smjese možete dobiti dva ogromna pleha keksića. Ako vam je to mnogo, slobodno prepolovite količine. Sastojci: 200g putera + 2 fildzana ulja 2 jaja 200g secera + vanilin secer 1 kesica praska za pecivo Narendati koru od jednog limuna, a sok iscijediti i dodati u istu smjesu Brasno dodavati po potrebi, dok vam se ne počne odvajati od prstiju. Otprilike ćete na ovu količinu trebati 700-750 gr brašna. Kalupe namastite, napunite i pecite u zagrijanoj rerni na 180-190C, 15-17 min. Istresite iz pleha na pamučnu krpu da se malo ohlade prije nego izvadite iz kalupčića. Ja sam imala neke najobičnije, jeftinije kalupe, ali su svejedno super ispadali jer je recept naprosto savršen. Dovoljno je da malo kalup stisnete sa strane prstima i oni idu van.
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