You are going to LOVE this only few ingredients Arabic Shortbread. No eggs, no baking powder inside. Meltingly smooth on the outside with a delicate crunch on the inside. I found this recipe in one of the most famous Cookbooks of Modern Arabic cuisines, and I fell in love with it. From this amount of ingredients you will make 6 dozen biscuits 1 cup butter (room temperature) 3/4 cup icing sugar 1 + 1/2 cups flour 1 tsp vanilla extract Prstohvat soli Pine nuts In medium bowl beat tougher butter and sugar. Takes about 10 minutes to get pale and creamy texture. It is very important to let sugar melt togheter with butter while beating. Add in vanilla and mix well. Sit the flour and salt. Add it gradually. Beat on low speed until it comes toghether. Refrigerate the dough for 30 minutes before shaping the shortbread. Preheatt oven to 170 C. Take small size pieces and roll gently in the palms of your hand to make a ball, place it on a parchment-lined baking try and gently flatten into disc and press a pine nut into the centre. Bake for 10 -12 minutes. Arapski Kolacici Ovi arapski kolacici prave se od svega nekoliko sastojaka. Vrlo jednostvano, brzo i prekrasnog okusa. Zanimljive su teksture. Izvana mekani a unutra delikatno hrskavi.
Od ove kolocine sastojaka napravit cete 60 kolacica 1 Solja putera (sobra temperatura. Ja stavim 250 gr) 3/4 Solje secera 1 + 1/2 Solja brasna Vanillin secer ili aroma vanilije Pinjole za ukrasiti (moze i bez njih) Najprije mikserom mutite secer i puter. Trebat ce vam 10tak minuta da dobijete finu, kremastu teksturu. Vrlo je vazno da puter i secer dobro izmiksate jer od toga ovisi okus kolacica i njihova tekstura. Dodajte vanilin secer ili aromu. Pomijesajte brasno s prstohvatom soli i postepeno dodajite u masu. Mijesajte na laganoj brzini dok se sve lijepo ne sjedini. Provjeriti prstima tijesto. Ono se ne bi trebalo lijepiti za prste ali ne bi smjelo biti ni previse tvrdo. Odlozite tijesto u frizider na pola sata. Pec zagrijte na 170 C. Uzimajte male kolicine tijesta i formirajte loptice. Redajte ih na pleh za pecenje kojeg ste oblozili papirom za pecenje. Lagano pritisnite prstom i ukrasite pinjolima. Pecite 10 - 12 minuta. Izvadite i ostavite da se ohlade.
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